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seamus, ayrshire

17th January 2018, 14:30
That should have been "... dump any post where the title contains ...".
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17th January 2018, 15:18
But the latest long spam does not have a title Seamus :)
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17th January 2018, 15:30
The thread title had over 62 lines !
Most titles should need no more than two.
A limit will have to be imposed I feel
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17th January 2018, 15:32
82 lines !
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17th January 2018, 15:44
PS A lot of forums have set a limit of 100 "characters" in titles of threads . Characters may include letters, numbers, and punctuation marks.
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17th January 2018, 15:46
Oh yes, of course! I had not clicked that the entire message was
the title! Obviously not with it today!
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18th January 2018, 07:45
I don't think anyone needs more than about 50 characters in the title of a thread!
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norah (admin)

18th January 2018, 10:02
Thanks for your patience everyone for yesterday’s long messages not being deleted. As a lot of you will know, Ash runs his own web design company and he was tied up with meetings all day. Apparently it was a very hectic day.

He has now deleted them and things are temporarily back to normal. But I suppose they they will be back.

I have passed onto him the suggestion about limiting the characters used in headings. He is considering all options so we’ll see how it goes over the next few days.

Once again thank you all for your support.
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18th January 2018, 10:05
Well done, Ash!
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18th January 2018, 21:53
First of all, thanks for all the effort you and Ash put in to the running of the site, it truly is appreciated. As far as solutions go, the best one I've heard to date is to limit the number of characters in the 'Topic' section. I am sure that reducing the number of words in the title will have little affect on the number of replies.

For example, If I were to put in 'Times 1304 Cryptic' in place of 'Saturday Times Jumbo Cryptic 1304' or ST 4781 instead of 'Sunday Telegraph 4781 Clue No 32a' I sincerely doubt it would affect the number of contributors clicking on the link to assist in the answer.

Anyway, just are just some preliminary thoughts and I'm sure other contributors have many others.

Ps, Chris, if your still if you still looking in, I just wanted to say I thought your 'Oasis icon at impromptu gathering' was fantastic - as was the winner of course..
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