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9th June 2017, 16:55
Yeesh, you're right of course. On reflection, given that I was focusing on a/din so much, I should have made the effort to consult Chambers for trig, which I think has come up before but which I didn't remember yesterday.
Thank you for your help - it doesn't half nag me when I can't parse something.

By the way, is Frogman Redux still on the cards?
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10th June 2017, 15:19
He sent me a postcard the other day from his retirement pad in Eastbourne...he has no plan at the moment for a return to active service, but if he gets tired of feasting on Sussex slugs - unlikely though that might seem - then who knows...?
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11th June 2017, 17:44
That's a bit unfair on the women of Eastbourne, old boy.

Oh, slugs... I see. ;-)
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