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12th March 2017, 22:16
This mean help illustrate what Jazzgirl has just explained......
I hope the link works.
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18th March 2017, 17:02
The Times blog has appeared today for this crossword (later than usual) and the expert states

" 22. Instinctive representation of feet as hot? (4-2-3-5)
SEAT-OF-THE-PANTS: One of those reverse thingies where the answer thinks it’s the clue. Looking that way round, “PANTS” is the anagram indicator, (SEAT OF THE*) is the fodder, giving a representation of “FEET AS HOT”.

Hope you are happier about the clue and the parsing now :)
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21st October 2017, 16:11
Thank you, Jazzy.......yes, I am a slow typer!
I am glad to have an explanation, but am a tad bewildered!
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