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7th April 2016, 18:33
Last one is 95
Am I looking for an author?

Is it just me, or does it drive everyone crazy to have to keep logging in?

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7th April 2016, 18:48
Cheers nonplussed 95 author,think Roger Moore
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8th April 2016, 10:47
Hi everybody - some familiar names amongst the posts on here.
I have quickly read through all the added clues, but I haven't come across any for question 13 - Author sees birds outside French city with daughter.
I am slowly progressing with this great quiz ad am grateful for all the additional clues given on here - number 13 still puzzling me
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8th April 2016, 11:24
13) think breakfast round a french town
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8th April 2016, 11:26
thanks palman
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8th April 2016, 14:20
Q13,think farmyard bird round a French town beginning with A,town that is
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8th April 2016, 20:09
Thanks palman - great clue
also thanks to nonplussed, unusual breakfast though
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8th April 2016, 21:22
Hello again! That's another week gone by and I still have a few more that I cannot find answers for despite clues already given. Perhaps someone out there could help.
They are:
8. Pine beside hill at the front of Old Will, the poet (10) clues given ... Another word for pine (??) + another word for hill (tor?) followed by 1st letters of of old will (ow?). I am thinking of a poet beginning with W and ending in H (daffodil man!) but can't get it to work?

17. She inspired epic poetry but may get visit that is about work. (8). Clues given ... Another word for visit (come ??), abbreviation for work (wk?) and that is (ie). ??? Another suggestion Goddess of Poetry but can't find one that fits?

64. Did he play about in his poetry? (6) clue given ...another word meaning to play about (?) + IN = name of poet. Baffled.

74. Number of stages by which a novel is produced (6,4,5)
Clue given ... Find another word for stages in progression ???

Help please if you can. Thanks.

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8th April 2016, 22:03
Would more clues help - or would you like the answers?
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8th April 2016, 23:01
Hi haeremai18 - you have got bogged down with one thought and really need to step back for a while. But try this for help.
8. If you pine for something - you ---- for it . + hill = f--- + as you correctly say, ow ( old will)
17. Visit = simple four letter word + two letters for 'that is' placed each side of two letter word for 'work'
64.Four letter word for a prank or escapade + 'in'
74.First two words are a number -third word - if you do something in stages you it in s----.
I know you don't want the answers - but I hope this helps you think a bit differently . Good Luck
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