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15th May 2017, 13:50
Good afternoon, Elle!
Raining here, too!
We need it, too!
No, you have to be careful with emails.
I read that it is computers running Windows that are at risk from attack.
I am OK, i think, I do not have Windows.
Golf was fine.
It was a tough course and a good test.
A young man from South Korea won.

Hello, Pigale!
Nice to hear from you!
Glad all your young birds are doing well.
The ospreys are fine, too.
There are no rangers at the nest this afternoon.
They are all at a funeral.
13731 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th May 2017, 14:58
Hello, Pigale!
How are you?
I was just thinking that you hadn't been on here for a thoughts must have conjured you up!
The photos of the osprey chick are great , aren't they? but I haven't seen him/ her "live", either,r on the webcam.
But try this link...... Rusty found it....... and I have copied and pasted it for you.
I hope it works!
13732 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th May 2017, 15:15
Hi, Rusty!
It is still raining here!
Although compared with the weather at "Bruach", I guess this will be considered mere drizzle!
I have now finished the first Omnibus edition of "Becky's" tales!
I was going to proceed straight on to the second batch of stories, but I am pausing whilst I read a book that has just been lent to me.
It will not take me long to read it...and then I can return it to its owner, and progress with Miss P's adventures.
I have "Windows 10"?
I haven't followed the latest about the "Ransomeware" virus.
I should look it up on Google........we don't buy a daily paper, although we shall get the (free) London Evening Standard later this afternoon.
Have you done your crossword?
13733 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th May 2017, 15:23
Hello Elle!

Thanks for the link - Isn't Lassie gentle in looking after her
first born!

I have just come back from the dentist (yet again) - should need
one more visit next week and then, perhaps just then, might
I be able to go around grinning at everyone!!! (if everything goes
according to plan!)

Weather gorgeous here, well over 20C and should be even warmer
tomorrow and Wednesday - possible deterioration afterwards... but
who knows?

Rusty, any news of G. Thomas? these motor bikes should really
be more careful - and a Copper too!
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15th May 2017, 15:45
Hello, Pigale!
This is a "rest day" in the Giro, so Geraint will have an easyish training run today.
Tomorrow is the time-trial.
He has lost quite a bit of skin and he said his shoulder dislocated but it is back in position now.
Yes, the cop on the bike should have had more sense than to stop where he did, with a fast moving peloton approaching.
It was his job to prevent these things happening!
But, these things happen in bike racing.
I am impressed with Tom Dumoulin's weight loss and new found climbing ability!
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15th May 2017, 15:58
Hello, Elle!
You certainly get "weather" at Bruach!
That's good you are getting on with Miss Peckwitt's tales.
Any sign of a husband through the mist?
I used to have Windows 10 but I scrapped my laptop.
It is not on my Chromebook.
Microsoft have said if you have Windows Defender switched on you are OK.
But best speak to one of your daughters.
They will likely be far more clued up than I am.
Yes, crossword is complete.
I also have a a hundred or more Guardian cryptics that I printed off when I had a printer.
I have done two of those today, too.
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15th May 2017, 16:09
Hello Rusty,

Not sure how much weight Tom has lost - but didn't he go
on a diet in order to be a better climber?
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15th May 2017, 16:55
Hello, Pigale!
I did not know that until yesterday when he was climbing in the company of Nibali and Quintana!
He has slimmed down.
Looks like he may target one of the Grand Tours for a win!
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15th May 2017, 17:33
Hi, Rusty!
No sign of any husband so far in any of Miss P's fact, she frequently stresses that she is a middle-aged spinster!
I think maybe this is "poetic licence"?
Being a "spinster" probably fits in better with her exploits!
I DO have Windows Defender switched on this will be sufficient protection for my computer in the current crisis?
That is good to know.
I do not really understand about these things, but I follow the instructions and hopefully do all that I should.
I too finished the 15 x15 today.
I especially liked 18a, 27a and 19d.
I couldn't parse 14a though?
Powerful banker embraces European blueprint for life (6)
I have "genome", which is a complete set of genes in a cell, but I cannot parse it?
I have no idea how it derives?
I still cannot see the chick live on the webcam...have you seen it?

Hello, Pigale!
That is great your news about your dentistry!
I am glad that all has worked out well.
Yes, I thought that Lassie was most tender in her approach to her first baby chick!
It did my heart good to see her feeding it so lovingly and patiently.
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15th May 2017, 18:05
Elle, for 14 A, the 'powerful banker' (financier) is a Gnome, then stick in the E from European.
13740 of 30765  -   Report This Post