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12th June 2012, 16:25
Thanks for your good wishes, Magworth. Todays's crossword was nicely put together. The easy answers fitted in nicely to allow the not so easy ones to fall into place.

15 across was very clever, I thought, and it was the last to fall.

Best wishes.

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12th June 2012, 16:31
hello pipesmoker
I hope Mrs P is still spoiling you, while you lie back and give her your orders.
All the best
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12th June 2012, 17:07
chrisg - Getting old? I was waiting for a taxi today, distracted because my phone isn`t working. I grabbed - as I thought - my black leather purse.
When I went to pay the driver - i had the remote control !!! M. (I didn`t tell him -just said I`d forgotten the purse).
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12th June 2012, 17:20
Hi, Jazzgirl. I tried that once, and quickly discovered how difficult it is to breathe with a pipe stuck sideways in my mouth.

Thanks for the kind thought, though.

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old gal

12th June 2012, 17:48
Hello everyone and greeting to Pipesmoker - hope you are feeling better this week! ChrisG have a good meal with your wife, did you buy her a lovely present? Well, have made a good start this week and have quite a few done, nearly half - good for me. Will come back for more clues when I have had another think. Quite a good day today - managed to install a new digibox onto my TV and DVD player - quite a feat for an old lady who is used to just putting a plug in and switching on! Was serving teas at the vicarage on Sunday - my mates wouldn't have recognised me......
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12th June 2012, 17:53
old gal
I think it's time you changed your name to
"Go Girl" ! Pleased to hear you are making good progress.
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12th June 2012, 17:58
Magworth, have you ever gone out wearing odd shoes - that is, odd as in different from each other, rather than odd peculiar, which they probably were anyway? I have. Anyway, I ramble. Have nearly finished No25. Just stuck now, as usual, on a couple of little ones. 5D and 22Ac. I did find myself 'thinking' a bit too much this week, and making the clues more complicated than they actually are. I couldn't understand the why of the answer to 20ac, and really it was so simple!
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12th June 2012, 18:13
hi angelmcm
Good to hear you've received the RT early this week.
I have, too often, tried to use my mobile as a remote control, and once almost drove to work in slippers.
5d is a long story (originally Icelandic or Norse)
22a a fixture (in the kitchen ?)
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12th June 2012, 18:22
Oh Jazzgirl - how easy were those! Thank you. I was on the right track for 5D, but could only think of 'a blast' - nearly, but not good enough. I have tried to telephone people using the TV remote control, and have stared at it for some time before realizing my daftness.
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12th June 2012, 19:35
Good Evening All, fell asleep whilst doing RT25 - not that it was boring - just tired...
Glad you're back with us, Pipesmoker, your humour always makes me laugh out loud...
To those plagued with Senior Moments - I've tried to change programmes with the phone; gone out in my slippers [my friend just thought I wanted to wear something comfortable on my feet]; let the potatoes boil dry [twice] - and all in one week!!! Think mine must be VERY Senior Moments
Didn't find the puzzle too bad this week, with some lovely clues; BUT don't know how I got 20a assuming it's correct - and completely stymied on 22a - woops, just looked at your post Jazzgirl - so only 20a to go - any additional clues gratefully received..
Chrisg - hope both you and your wife have a lovely birthday meal
Best wishes and good health to everyone
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