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12th June 2012, 21:12
I think to be fair the most salient point made by Arch was that - Greedy Kite ( and maybe others too) were told their entry was not all correct. Is that the case for everyone who submits via email? A facility of course not afforded by those who submit by post. I love the quizzes as you well know, just curious to know.
101 of 189  -   Report This Post


12th June 2012, 21:13
Talking sense yet again greedy kite...x
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mrs trellis

12th June 2012, 21:42
Very good point made by Mamya about the postal entries. I confess to having made 2 typos on my first submission which I corrected after Richard told me (he never says where the errors are, just how many there are). Consequently I am very happy not to be entered into the prize draw - the fun of the quiz is reward enough!
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12th June 2012, 21:53
Interesting Mrs T , thank you - does it debar you from the draw then?
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mrs trellis

12th June 2012, 22:00
It would be for Richard to decide if other corrected entries are excluded from the draw, but in the interests of fairness and not wanting anything to detract from all of Richard's efforts for such a good cause, I hereby happily withdraw my entry.
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12th June 2012, 22:03
I sincerely hope that you did not think that my intention, my enquiries were general and without prejudice to anyone. As you know I have been fortunate to be a winner in the past.
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mrs trellis

12th June 2012, 22:10
Not at all Mamya, I had already put in my previous posting that I was happy to withdraw, and I have emailed Richard to confirm my withdrawal. Hope you continue to enjoy the quiz. Very best, mrs t :-)))
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12th June 2012, 23:10
So what seems to be the case is that if you are ‘in the know’ then you can submit your answers by email, be told your score and if that is less than 100% make amendments to your answers until you get them all correct. An option not available to those ‘not in the know’, eg those submitting answers by post.

Greedy Kite – I agree that for any quiz the way to attract the maximum number of participants is best decided by the Quizmaster himself. But whatever the way chosen, it must be fair to all those participating. And something that favours those submitting by email while keeping in the dark those submitting by post clearly runs totally contrary to any notion of fairness.

I therefore stand by my previous comment - the method of operation stinks. And I wonder what the reaction would be of all those ‘not in the know’ if they were made aware of the situation. How many would effectively feel cheated? I don’t care how good the quiz is or what good cause it is supporting – there’s no way I would ever enter a quiz that operated on such a basis. And I can’t believe I’m the only person who feels that way – just ask those ‘not in the know’.
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12th June 2012, 23:34
I agree with you entirely It is a brilliant quiz but does not appear to be run in a way that is fair to everyone.
And sorry greedy kite but you are wrong with this statement
,surely no-one ever sends in an incomplete list of answers to a quiz
Of course we do they arent like crosswords at all
I have also asked on here before why you treat this quiz differently to others
No answers will be given to it which I fully support and yet people give loads of answers to other charity quizzes
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13th June 2012, 00:26
I agree with Mamya's post 101. This quiz, no matter how entertaining and beneficiail to the chosen charity, loses credibility and fairness when the quiz setter comes on this thread and gives hints and tips to certain participants.
That is not fair and I would suggest that the quiz setter refrains from doing so.
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