
Matching Words

6430 Results

Below are the words that matched your query...

  1. invulnerable to fear or intimidation;
  1. not restrained or tied down by bonds
  2. not secured within a cover; "an unbound book"
  3. not held in chemical or physical combination
  4. not fettered
  5. untie or unfasten; "unbind the feet of this poor woman"
  1. not bound by shackles and chains
  2. make free
  3. remove the chains from
  1. not bound by shackles and chains
  1. not bound by shackles and chains
  1. not bound by shackles and chains
  2. with laces not tied; "teenagers slopping around in unlaced sneakers"
  3. not tied
  1. not confined or restricted with a tether
  1. with laces not tied; "teenagers slopping around in unlaced sneakers"
  2. not under constraint in action or expression; "this unbuttoned and disrespectful age"- Curtis Bok; "unlaced behavior in the neighborhood pub"
  3. undo the ties of; "They untied the prisoner"
  1. not tied
  2. not buttoned; "the wind picked up the hem of her unbuttoned coat"
  3. affording unobstructed entrance and exit; not shut or closed; "an open door"; "they left the door open"
  4. not closed or secured; "the car door was unfastened"; "unfastened seatbelts"
  5. Opened
  6. become undone or untied; "The shoelaces unfastened"
  7. cause to become undone; "unfasten your belt"
  1. not tangled
  2. become or cause to become undone by separating the fibers or threads of; "unravel the thread"
  3. release from entanglement of difficulty; "I cannot extricate myself from this task"