
Matching Words

6430 Results

Below are the words that matched your query...

  1. (often followed by `of') not aware; "seemed unaware of the scrutiny"; "unaware of the danger they were in"; "unaware of the newborn hope"; "the most unaware person I've known"
  1. (followed by `to' or `of') lacking conscious awareness of; "oblivious of the mounting pressures for political reform"; "oblivious to the risks she ran"; "not unmindful of the heavy responsibility"
  2. not mindful or attentive; "while thus unmindful of his steps he stumbled"- G.B.Shaw
  1. (followed by `of') not knowing or perceiving; "happily unconscious of the new calamity at home"- Charles Dickens
  2. not conscious; lacking awareness and the capacity for sensory perception as if asleep or dead; "lay unconscious on the floor"
  3. without conscious volition
  4. that part of the mind wherein psychic activity takes place of which the person is unaware
  1. (often followed by `of') not knowing or expecting; not thinking likely; "an unsuspecting victim"; "unsuspecting (or unaware) of the fact that I would one day be their leader"
  2. not suspicious; "deceiving the unsuspecting public"
  1. not aware or knowing; "an unwitting subject in an experiment"
  2. unaware because of a lack of relevant information or knowledge; "he was completely ignorant of the circumstances"; "an unknowledgeable assistant"; "his rudeness was unwitting"
  3. not done with purpose or intent; "an unintended slight"; "an unintentional pun"; "the offense was unintentional"; "an unwitting mistake may be overlooked"
  1. provoking horror; "an atrocious automobile accident"; "a frightful crime of decapitation"; "an alarming, even horrifying, picture"; "war is beyond all words horrible"- Winston Churchill; "an ugly wound"
  2. displeasing to the senses; "an ugly face"; "ugly furniture"
  3. morally reprehensible; "would do something as despicable as murder"; "ugly crimes"; "the vile development of slavery appalled them"; "a slimy little liar"
  4. inclined to anger or bad feelings with overtones of menace; "a surly waiter"; "an ugly frame of mind"
  5. Unattractive quality
  6. the opposite of beautiful
  1. provoking horror; "an atrocious automobile accident"; "a frightful crime of decapitation"; "an alarming, even horrifying, picture"; "war is beyond all words horrible"- Winston Churchill; "an ugly wound"
  2. displeasing to the senses; "an ugly face"; "ugly furniture"
  3. morally reprehensible; "would do something as despicable as murder"; "ugly crimes"; "the vile development of slavery appalled them"; "a slimy little liar"
  4. inclined to anger or bad feelings with overtones of menace; "a surly waiter"; "an ugly frame of mind"
  5. Unattractive quality
  6. the opposite of beautiful
  1. provoking horror; "an atrocious automobile accident"; "a frightful crime of decapitation"; "an alarming, even horrifying, picture"; "war is beyond all words horrible"- Winston Churchill; "an ugly wound"
  2. displeasing to the senses; "an ugly face"; "ugly furniture"
  3. morally reprehensible; "would do something as despicable as murder"; "ugly crimes"; "the vile development of slavery appalled them"; "a slimy little liar"
  4. inclined to anger or bad feelings with overtones of menace; "a surly waiter"; "an ugly frame of mind"
  5. Unattractive quality
  6. the opposite of beautiful
  1. inspiring fear; "the formidable prospect of major surgery"; "a tougher and more redoubtable adversary than the heel-clicking, jackbooted fanatic"- G.H.Johnston; "something unnerving and prisonlike about high grey wall"
  2. disturb the composure of
  3. to cause to lose ones confidence
  1. not alarming; assuaging alarm