Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Up.
5 letter answer(s) to up
ahead of time; in anticipation; "when you pay ahead (or in advance) you receive a discount"; "We like to plan ahead"; "should have made reservations beforehand"
at or in the front; "I see the lights of a town ahead"; "the road ahead is foggy"; "staring straight ahead"; "we couldn't see over the heads of the people in front"; "with the cross of Jesus marching on before"
having the leading position or higher score in a contest; "he is ahead by a pawn"; "the leading team in the pennant race"
in a forward direction; "go ahead"; "the train moved ahead slowly"; "the boat lurched ahead"; "moved onward into the forest"; "they went slowly forward in the mud"
leading or ahead in a competition; "the horse was three lengths ahead going into the home stretch"; "ahead by two pawns"; "our candidate is in the lead in the polls"; "way out front in the race"; "the advertising campaign put them out front in sales"
to a different or a more advanced time (m
at or on or to the masthead or upper rigging of a ship; "climbed aloft to unfurl the sail"
at or to great height; high up in or into the air; "eagles were soaring aloft"; "dust is whirled aloft"
in the higher atmosphere above the earth; "weather conditions aloft are fine"
upward; "the good news sent her spirits aloft"
on the move; "up and about"; "the whole town was astir over the incident"
out of bed; "are they astir yet?"; "up by seven each morning"
mentally perceptive and responsive;"an alert mind"; "alert to the problems"; "alive to what is going on"; "awake to the dangers of her situation"; "was now awake to the reality of his predicament"
not in a state of sleep; completely conscious; "lay awake thinking about his new job"; "still not fully awake"
stop sleeping; "She woke up to the sound of the alarm clock"
an increase in cost; "they asked for a 10% rise in rates"
contribute to the progress or growth of; "I am promoting the use of computers in the classroom"
give a boost to; be beneficial to; "The tax cut will boost the economy"
increase or raise; "boost the voltage in an electrical circuit"
increase; "The landlord hiked up the rents"
push or shove upward, as if from below or behind; "The singer had to be boosted onto the stage by a special contraption"
the act of giving a push; "he gave her a boost over the fence"
the act of giving hope or support to someone
eagerly disposed to act or to be of service; "glad to help"
enjoying or showing or marked by joy or pleasure; "a happy smile"; "spent many happy days on the beach"; "a happy marriage"
marked by good fortune; "a felicitous life"; "a happy outcome"
to feel good
well expressed and to the point; "a happy turn of phrase"; "a few well-chosen words"
a location in the northern part of a country, region, or city
British statesman under George III whose policies led to rebellion in the American colonies (1732-1792)
in a northern direction; "they earn more up north"; "Let's go north!"
North - the cardinal compass point that is at 0 or 360 degrees
situated in or facing or moving toward or coming from the north; "artists like north light"; "the north portico"
the direction corresponding to the northward cardinal compass point
the direction in which a compass needle points
the region of the United States lying to the north of the Mason-Dixon line
the United States (especially the northern states during the American Civil War); "he has visited every state in the Union"; "Lee hoped to detach Maryland from the Union"; "the North's superior resources turned the scale"
characterized by liveliness and lightheartedness; "buoyant spirits"; "his quick wit and chirpy humor"; "looking bright and well and chirpy"; "a perky little widow in her 70s"
activate or stir up; "raise a mutiny"
an upward slope or grade (as in a road); "the car couldn't make it up the rise"
bet more than the previous player
bid (one's partner's suit) at a higher level
bring (a surface or a design) into relief and cause to project; "raised edges"
bring up; "raise a family"; "bring up children"
call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses); "arouse pity"; "raise a smile"; "evoke sympathy"
cause to assemble or enlist in the military; "raise an army"; "recruit new soldiers"
cause to be heard or known; express or utter; "raise a shout"; "raise a protest"; "raise a sad cry"
cause to become alive again; "raise from the dead"; "Slavery is already dead, and cannot be resurrected"; "Upraising ghosts"
cause to puff up with a leaven; "unleavened bread"
collect funds for a specific purpose; "The President raised several million dollars for his college"
(of e.g. celestial bodies) above the horizon; "the risen sun"
become heartened or elated; "Her spirits rose when she heard the good news"
become more extreme; "The tension heightened"
come into existence; take on form or shape;
come to the surface
come up, of celestial bodies; "The sun also rises"; "The sun uprising sees the dusk night fled..."; "Jupiter ascends"
exert oneself to meet a challenge; "rise to a challenge"; "rise to the occasion"
get up and out of bed; "I get up at 7 A.M. every day"; "They rose early"; "He uprose at night"
go up or advance; "Sales were climbing after prices were lowered"
increase in value or to a higher point; "prices climbed steeply"; "the value of our house rose sharply last year"
increase in volume; "the dough rose slowly in the warm room"
move to a better position in life or to a better job; "She ascended from a life of poverty to one of great
6 letter answer(s) to up
come into existence; take on form or shape;
get up and out of bed; "I get up at 7 A.M. every day"; "They rose early"; "He uprose at night"
move upward; "The fog lifted"; "The smoke arose from the forest fire"; "The mist uprose from the meadows"
originate or come into being; "a question arose"
result or issue; "A slight unpleasantness arose from this discussion"
rise to one's feet; "The audience got up and applauded"
take part in a rebellion; renounce a former allegiance
stop sleeping; "She woke up to the sound of the alarm clock"
Buoy spirits
exultantly proud and joyful; in high spirits; "the elated winner"; "felt elated and excited"
fill with high spirits; fill with optimism; "Music can uplift your spirits"
full of high-spirited delight; "a joyful heart"
3 letter answer(s) to up
4 letter answer(s) to up
(used of count nouns) every one considered individually; "each person is mortal"; "each party is welcome"
to or from every one of two or more (considered individually); "they received $10 each"
7 letter answer(s) to up
give a promotion to or assign to a higher position; "John was kicked upstairs when a replacement was hired"; "Women tend not to advance in the major law firms"; "I got promoted after many years of hard work"
raise from a lower to a higher position; "Raise your hands"; "Lift a load"
raise in rank or condition; "The new law lifted many people from poverty"
directed toward heaven or the sky; "the soul in its heavenward flight"
toward the sky; "look skywards!"
8 letter answer(s) to up
a change resulting in an increase; "the increase is scheduled for next month"
a process of becoming larger or longer or more numerous or more important; "the increase in unemployment"; "the growth of population"
a quantity that is added; "there was an addition to property taxes this year"; "they recorded the cattle's gain in weight over a period of weeks"
Grow , expand
the act of increasing something; "he gave me an increase in salary"
the amount by which something increases; "they proposed an increase of 15 percent in the fare"
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