Cultivate - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 23/11/2024

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Cultivate.

4 letter answer(s) to cultivate

  1. become attached by or as if by the process of growth; "The tree trunks had grown together"
  2. become larger, greater, or bigger; expand or gain;
  3. come into existence; take on form or shape;
  4. come to have or undergo a change of (physical features and attributes); "He grew a beard";
  5. cultivate by growing, often involving improvements by means of agricultural techniques;
  6. develop and reach maturity; undergo maturation; "He matured fast";
  7. grow emotionally or mature;
  8. pass into a condition gradually, take on a specific property or attribute; become;
  1. a strongbox for holding cash
  2. a treasury for government funds
  3. unstratified soil deposited by a glacier; consists of sand and clay and gravel and boulders mixed together
  4. work land as by ploughing, harrowing, and manuring, in order to make it ready for cultivation; "till the soil"

3 letter answer(s) to cultivate

  1. a tool with a flat blade attached at right angles to a long handle
  2. dig with a hoe; "He is hoeing the flower beds"

7 letter answer(s) to cultivate

  1. bring up; "raise a family"; "bring up children"
  2. help develop, help grow; "nurture his talents"
  3. helping someone grow up to be an accepted member of the community; "they debated whether nature or nurture was more important"
  4. provide with nourishment; "We sustained ourselves on bread and water"; "This kind of food is not nourishing for young children"
  5. the properties acquired as a consequence of the way you were treated as a child

5 letter answer(s) to cultivate

  1. activate or stir up; "raise a mutiny"
  2. an upward slope or grade (as in a road); "the car couldn't make it up the rise"
  3. bet more than the previous player
  4. bid (one's partner's suit) at a higher level
  5. bring (a surface or a design) into relief and cause to project; "raised edges"
  6. bring up; "raise a family"; "bring up children"
  7. call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses); "arouse pity"; "raise a smile"; "evoke sympathy"
  8. cause to assemble or enlist in the military; "raise an army"; "recruit new soldiers"
  9. cause to be heard or known; express or utter; "raise a shout"; "raise a protest"; "raise a sad cry"
  10. cause to become alive again; "raise from the dead"; "Slavery is already dead, and cannot be resurrected"; "Upraising ghosts"
  11. cause to puff up with a leaven; "unleavened bread"
  12. collect funds for a specific purpose; "The President raised several million dollars for his college"
  13. <

Other crossword clues with similar answers to 'Cultivate'

"Oh, ___ up!"
... review of U-turn about training
Add to the pot
After a short time, I will work
After initial cut, give positive response to extra money
Artist is easy at first to uplift
Assemble notes for broadcast
Attention returned when receiving one’s extra money
Become bigger
Become larger
Begin making a move forward to get upgrade
Bill site
Bladed tool
Bladed tool in Mike's shed
Bluffer's ploy, maybe
Break ground?
Breed fish one's caught
Bring up
Bring up acclaim when powerless
Bring up commendation, but not initially
Bring up commendation, initially ignored
Bring up Government dispute
Building American shed for garden
By the sound of it, completely destroy lift
Call alternative
Care for and protect
Care for during childhood
Care for during upbringing
Care for, protect
Carefully tend
Casca's last in revolt to step up
Cash cache
Cash drawer
Cash register
Cash register part
Clod buster
Clod chopper
Collect, as funds
Commendation, when leader leaves, brings uplift
Companion of a spade
Cook slowly heading off in rear
Cultivate grand argument
Desire to get rid of power tool
Develop - cultivate
Develop grand argument
Dig soil
Do ground work?
Don't fold or call
Employee's desire
Employee's request
Employee's reward
Erect tower round area
Expand German fight
Extolled unlimited pay increase
Farmer's tool
Foster Brooks
Furrow maker
Garden implement
Garden tool
Garden, in a way
Gardener's tool
Gardening implement
Gardening tool
Get bigger
Get some sunshine, did you say?
Good line to develop
Good news for a worker
Ground breaker
Groundbreaking invention?
Grow, in a way
Help develop and grow
Help to grow
Implement in a Millet pai
In the possession of thieves I arrested going up in lift
Inclined to appropriate action - hung around with Spooner's relation
Increase in magnitude
Increase in pay
Increase in size
Irrigation tool
It gets ground up
It makes a row
It may leave a noticeable
Lift beams when speaking
Lift beams, did you say?
Lift beams, say
Lift light beams that can be picked up
Lift provided by Wonderbra is excellent
Lift starts to rattle after initially smooth elevation
Lift to get to ground level, according to announcement
Lift up
Lift up some beams, you say?
Lift? Lug up is embraced by that
Long-handled implement
Long-handled tool
Male carrying old gardening implement
Money drawer
More chips for the pot
More dough that's flatter, but not soft
More than see
Not just see
Parent caught fish
Part of Plymouth, miles away from home
Pay boost
Pay increase? Beams, we hear
Pick up artist is European
Place for change
Place to stack money
Plant manager?
Plymouth ___
Poker ploy
Prepare for planting
Pull a plow
Put up
Put up beams in the auditorium
Raise good argument
Rear enthusiast to cross river followed by another
Rear light's mentioned
Reason for celebration
Register for work
Regularly choose work in garden
Regularly on guard – true soldiers follow training
Reportedly beams, getting pay increase in New York?
Reward for a job well don
Row producer
Salary boost
Scrape together
Shoot up
So-called level increase
Something groundbreaking?
Son's leaving even now to work in field
Sound beams to erect
Speak highly of not beginning pay increase
Store drawer
Subject of union negotiat
Suggest upgrade to rear lift
Summon up
Sunshine, we hear, giving boost
Take care of
Take under one's wing
Taps into valuable mineral coloured like rust
Ten's place
Tend to
The fellow grabbing old garden tool
The man holding old gardening implement
Tiller's tool
Union demand
Up the ante
Up to work
Up to work checkout
Up, as the ante
Upbringing having run true to form
Upbringing having run true to form?
Upgrade level for those attending
Upgrade level in auditorium
Weed killer
Weed whacker
Weeder's need
Weeder's tool
Weeding implement
Weeding tool
What cashier has to work up to
Work the land
Work the land for cultivation
Work up to the end of April
Work up to time without good health
Worker's demand
Workers get on with rook that is in a zoo

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