Place to unwind - Crossword Clue

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Place to unwind.

3 letter answer(s) to place to unwind

  1. a fashionable hotel usually in a resort area
  2. a health resort near a spring or at the seaside
  3. a place of business with equipment and facilities for exercising and improving physical fitness
  1. a large open vessel for holding or storing liquids
  2. a relatively large open container that you fill with water and use to wash the body
  3. the amount that a tub will hold; "a tub of water"

Other crossword clues with similar answers to 'Place to unwind'

"Star Wars" and "Battlest
'Bucket', etc, translated right twice by one typing
Agent losing yen for a health resort
… boat's just capsized!
Bad Ems, e.g.
Baden-Baden or
Baden-Baden, for one
Bath drain in which centre pops down
Bath for one son, given by father
Bath or
Bath possibly an afterthought when getting up
Bath site
Bath, say
Bath; food container
Bathing facility
Bathing place
Bathroom fixture
Bathroom installation
Belgian resort town
Boat that's ready to be m
Brass instrument without a container
Bridge that’s not finished well
Butter holder
Character of superior hotel
Clumsy boat
Clunky ship
Country lacking in spring
Country that’s abandoned in spring
Curative locale
Day one
Demurral over VAT
Dilapidated boat
Endless dispute in resort
England's Harrogate, e.g.
Eponymous Belgian town
Exercise club
Fancy home amenity
Fashionable resort
Fast U-boat bags slow ship
Fat farm
Father supporting Southern resort
Fiat car has a little difficulty in reverse
Fight to trim bottom in health resort
First in sauna, the old man in health resort
First of Michael and Megan to be missing from 15 in Bath?
First of seasons each year is spring
Four-star hotel amenity
Health center
Health club
Health facility
Health farm
Health haven
Health resort
Health resort son has joined annually
Health resort with a spring
Health ___
Healthful retreat
Heated bath
Hot air
Hot resort?
Hot spot
Hot springs
Hot springs locale
Hot springs site
Hot Springs, e.g.
Hot tub
Hydromassage facility
Hydrotherapy locale
Hydrotherapy provider
Hydrotherapy spot
Hydrotherapy venue
Ice cream or bran container?
Ice cream shop, in New En
It has a certain ring to
It has springs
It might afford a remedy
It might let off some ste
It might make you sweat
Jacuzzi site
Lard holder
Large open container
Leader in congregation cuts talk short
Loser's place?
Luxury hotel facility
Marienbad, for one
Massage locale
Masseur employer
Masseur's place
Masseur's workplace
Masseur's workplace, mayb
Masseuse employer
Mineral spring
Mineral spring with health-giving properties
Mineral springs
Mineral ___
Odd bits of brown ink in bath
Openings for staff, promising, at health centre
Pampering place
Part of a jug band
Place for a little R and
Place for a massage
Place for a mud bath
Place for a mudbath
Place for jets
Place for R&R
Place for sweaters
Place for sweaters?
Place in which to luxuria
Place that might feature
Place to bathe - pee in it
Place to cleanse oneself of endless tinned food
Place to find sweaters
Place to get a facial
Place to get a mud bath
Place to get a mudbath or
Place to recuperate
Place to refresh oneself
Place to relax
Place to share a tub
Place to sweat
Place to take a cure
Place where you can get i
Pool locale
Pool site
Primitive percussion inst
Quarrel noisily in Baden-Baden?
Recovery place
Rejuvenation location
Relaxing place
Relaxing resort
Resort box by telephone
Resort in the Ardennes
Rest and relaxation site
Rest area?
Rest spot
Restful place
Rubber ducky's spot
Salutary site
Saratoga Springs, e.g.
Sauna site
Second secretary in health resort
Short interval in health resort
Singular dad's resort
Site for three men in a t
Site of many losses
Site of mineral waters
Slow boat contrary to expectation returned
Slow boat merely capsized …
Small, the old man in health resort
Son meets father in spring
Splashy resort
Spot for three men in a t
Spring appears, finally, every year
Spring for refreshments
Spring locale
Springboks not quite heard?
Starts off summer parties apparently in spring
Steamy place
Stop emptying a bath
Takeoff place?
Town near Li
Trainer's workplace, perh
Travel Channel stopover
Tub with a whirlpool
Ultimately, this deep sea is a source of fresh water
Ungainly vessel nevertheless returned
Upscale hotel offering
Vacation locale
Vacation spot
VAT reduction in train
Venue of indulgence
Vichy or
Watering hole
Watering place
Waxing offerer
Where folks get into hot
Where one might get steam
Where one might take off
Where Real Madrid are losing in spring
Where some losers hang ou
Where the robed are rubbe
Where to do some bodywork
Where to get rubbed the r
Where to get soaked?
Where to sweat it out?
Where you may get a soaki
Where you may get steamed
Where you might get into
Whirlpool whereabouts
Workout facility
Workout locale
___ City (Saratoga Spring

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