Leguminous plant - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 02/03/2023

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Leguminous plant.

4 letter answer(s) to leguminous plant

  1. any of various edible seeds of plants of the family Leguminosae used for food
  2. any of various leguminous plants grown for their edible seeds and pods
  3. any of various seeds or fruits that are beans or resemble beans
  4. hit on the head, especially with a pitched baseball
  5. informal terms for a human head

3 letter answer(s) to leguminous plant

  1. a leguminous plant of the genus Pisum with small white flowers and long green pods containing edible green seeds
  2. seed of a pea plant used for food
  3. the fruit or seed of a pea plant

5 letter answer(s) to leguminous plant

  1. any of various climbing plants of the genus Vicia having pinnately compound leaves that terminate in tendrils and small variously colored flowers; includes valuable forage and soil-building plants

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Pod inhabitant
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Pod occupant
Pod vegetable
Podded plant

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