Fundamental - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 04/02/2025

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Fundamental.

5 letter answer(s) to fundamental

  1. (usually plural) a necessary commodity for which demand is constant
  2. a popular programming language that is relatively easy to learn; an acronym for beginner's all-purpose symbolic instruction code; no longer in general use
  3. of or denoting or of the nature of or containing a base
  4. pertaining to or constituting a base or basis; "a basic fact"; "the basic ingredients"; "basic changes in public opinion occur because of changes in priorities"
  5. reduced to the simplest and most significant form possible without loss of generality; "a basic story line"; "a canonical syllable pattern"
  6. serving as a base or starting point; "a basic course in Russian"; "basic training for raw recruits"; "a set of basic tools"; "an introductory art course"

8 letter answer(s) to fundamental

  1. (Roman Catholic Church) one of a group of more than 100 prominent bishops in the Sacred College who advise the Pope and elect new Popes
  2. a variable color averaging a vivid red
  3. being or denoting a numerical quantity but not order; "cardinal numbers"
  4. Cardinal number
  5. crested thick-billed North American finch having bright red plumage in the male
  6. serving as an essential component;
  7. the number of elements in a mathematical set; denotes a quantity but not the order
  1. constituting the undiminished entirety; lacking nothing essential especially not damaged; "a local motion keepeth bodies integral"- Bacon; "was able to keep the collection entire during his lifetime"; "fought to keep the union intact"
  2. existing as an essential constituent or characteristic; "the Ptolemaic system with its built-in concept of periodicity"; "a constitutional inability to tell the truth"
  3. of or denoted by an integer
  4. the result of a mathematical integration; F(x) is the integral of f(x) if dF/dx = f(x)

15 letter answer(s) to fundamental


6 letter answer(s) to fundamental

  1. having existed from the beginning; in an earliest or original stage or state; "aboriginal forests"; "primal eras before the appearance of life on earth"; "the forest primeval"; "primordial matter"; "primordial forms of life"
  2. serving as an essential component;

10 letter answer(s) to fundamental

  1. be or form the base for
  2. being or involving basic facts or principles;
  3. in the nature of something though not readily apparent; "shortcomings inherent in our approach"; "an underlying meaning"
  4. lie underneath
  5. located beneath or below

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