Crossword Quick Solve

Matching Words

233 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. verb - lengthen in time; cause to be or last longer; "We prolonged our stay"; "She extended her visit by another day"; "The meeting was drawn out until midnight"
  1. verb - bulge outward; "His eyes popped"
  2. extend out or project in space; "His sharp nose jutted out"; "A single rock sticks out from the cliff"
  3. swell or protrude outwards; "His stomach bulged after the huge meal"
  1. noun - any of several minute primitive wingless and eyeless insects having a cone-shaped head; inhabit damp soil or decaying organic matter
Proud Of
  1. adjective - feeling pleasurable satisfaction over something by which you measures your self-worth; "proud of their child"
  1. unknown - feeling self respect or pleasure in some achievement
  2. Most proud
  1. noun - French socialist who argued that property is theft (1809-1865)
  1. - Somewhat proud.
  1. adjective - capable of being demonstrated or proved; "obvious lies"; "a demonstrable lack of concern for the general welfare"; "practical truth provable to all men"- Walter Bagehot
  1. adverb - in an obvious and provable manner; "his documentary sources are demonstrably wrong"
  1. noun - a former province of southeastern France; now administered with Cote d'Azur