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233 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - the doctrine that reality consists of a single basic substance or element
  1. noun - a piece of electronic equipment that keeps track of the operation of a system continuously and warns of trouble
  2. an ironclad vessel built by Federal forces to do battle with the Merrimac
  3. any of various large tropical carnivorous lizards of Africa and Asia and Australia; fabled to warn of crocodiles
  4. check, track, or observe by means of a receiver
  5. display produced by a device that takes signals and displays them on a television screen or a computer monitor
  6. electronic equipment that is used to check the quality or content of electronic transmissions
  7. keep tabs on; keep an eye on; keep under surveillance; "we are monitoring the air quality"; "the police monitor the suspect's moves"
  8. someone who gives a warning so that a mistake can be avoided
  9. someone who supervises (an examination)
  1. - The life of monks; monastic life; monastic usage or customs; -- now usually applied by way of reproach.
  1. noun - any of various long-tailed primates (excluding the prosimians)
  2. do random, unplanned work or activities or spend time idly; "The old lady is usually mucking about in her little house"
  3. one who is playfully mischievous
  4. play around with or alter or falsify, usually secretively or dishonestly; "Someone tampered with the documents on my desk"; "The reporter fiddle with the facts"
  1. - Monkish.
  1. adjective - befitting a monk; inclined to self-denial
  1. noun - lens for correcting defective vision in one eye; held in place by facial muscles
  1. noun - a monocotyledonous flowering plant; the stem grows by deposits on its inside
  1. adjective - having a single vocal part
  1. noun - type genus of the Monodontidae