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1877 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. - The chain of micrococci formed by the division of the micrococci in multiplication.
  1. noun - a toxin produced by a fungus
  1. - A toxic alkaloid (ptomaine) obtained from putrid flesh and from herring brines. As a poison it is said to execute profuse diarrhoea, vomiting, and intestinal inflammation.
  1. - A poisonous amido acid, C6H13NO2, separated by Brieger from decaying horseflesh. In physiological action, it is similar to curare.
  1. noun - reflex pupillary dilation as a muscle pulls the iris outward; occurs in response to a decrease in light or certain drugs
  1. noun - reflex pupillary dilation as a muscle pulls the iris outward; occurs in response to a decrease in light or certain drugs
  1. noun - a drug that causes the pupil of the eye to dilate; used to aid eye examinations
  1. noun - an immature leukocyte normally found in bone marrow
  1. noun - X-ray film of the spinal cord and spinal nerve roots and subarachnoid space
  1. - A substance, present in the protoplasm of the retinal epithelium cells, and resembling, if not identical with, the substance (myelin) forming the medullary sheaths of nerve fibers.