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1877 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

Music Box
  1. noun - produces music by means of pins on a revolving cylinder that strike the tuned teeth of a comb-like metal plate
  1. adverb - in a musical manner; "She sang very musically"
  1. noun - artist who composes or conducts music as a profession
  2. someone who plays a musical instrument (as a profession)
Musk Deer
  1. noun - small heavy-limbed upland deer of central Asia; male secretes valued musk
Musk Duck
  1. noun - large crested wild duck of Central America and South America; widely domesticated
Musk Rose
  1. noun - rose native to Mediterranean region having curved or climbing branches and loose clusters of musky-scented flowers
  1. noun - a foot soldier armed with a musket
  1. - A short musket.
  1. noun - having the olfactory properties of musk
  1. noun - any of several varieties of vine whose fruit has a netted rind and edible flesh and a musky smell
  2. the fruit of a muskmelon vine; any of several sweet melons related to cucumbers