Crossword Quick Solve

Matching Words

176 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. adverb - in an unalterable and unchangeable manner; "his views were unchangeably fixed"
Imou Pine
  1. noun - tall New Zealand timber tree
  1. - Not to be appeased or quieted.
  1. verb - have an effect upon;
  2. press or wedge together; pack together
  1. noun - a disorder in which a tooth is so crowded in its socket that it cannot erupt normally
  2. a disorder in which feces are impacted in the lower colon
  3. a sharp collision produced by striking or dashing against something
  4. the condition of being pressed closely together and firmly fixed
  1. unknown - rock created by the impact of a meteorite
  1. noun - an agent that impairs; "crops can be great impairers of the soil"
  1. verb - make imperfect; "nothing marred her beauty"
  2. make worse or less effective; "His vision was impaired"
  1. - One who holds the doctrine of impanation.
  1. adjective - Fair
  2. free from undue bias or preconceived opinions; "an unprejudiced appraisal of the pros and cons"; "the impartial eye of a scientist"
  3. showing lack of favoritism; "the cold neutrality of an impartial judge"