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422 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. verb - diminished or moderated; "our bated enthusiasm"; "his bated hopes"
  2. flap the wings wildly or frantically; used of falcons
  3. moderate or restrain; lessen the force of; "He bated his breath when talking about this affair"; "capable of bating his enthusiasm"
  4. soak in a special solution to soften and remove chemicals used in previous treatments; "bate hides and skins"
  1. verb - flap the wings wildly or frantically; used of falcons
  2. moderate or restrain; lessen the force of; "He bated his breath when talking about this affair"; "capable of bating his enthusiasm"
  3. soak in a special solution to soften and remove chemicals used in previous treatments; "bate hides and skins"
  1. verb - bark with prolonged noises, of dogs
  2. Howled
  3. utter in deep prolonged tones
  1. noun - the acetylated derivative of salicylic acid; used as an analgesic anti-inflammatory drug (trade names Bayer, Empirin, and St. Joseph) usually taken in tablet form; used as an antipyretic; slows clotting of the blood by poisoning platelets
  1. noun - English mathematician for whom Bayes' theorem is named (1702-1761)
  1. noun - a heavy wooden pole (such as the trunk of a young fir) that is tossed as a test of strength (in the Highlands of northern Scotland)
  1. - See Cadre.
  1. noun - (in New Zealand) a person learning sheep farming on a sheep station
  2. a military trainee (as at a military academy)
  3. Younger son in genealogy
  1. verb - confine in a cage; "The animal was caged"
  1. noun - an athlete who plays basketball