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228 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. - One of several species of East Indian and Asiatic fresh-water fishes of the genus Ophiocephalus, remarkable for their power of living out of water, and for their tenacity of life; -- called also walking fishes.
  1. noun - a land imagined by Jonathan Swift where impractical projects were pursued and practical projects neglected
  1. noun - xerophytic evergreen shrubs; South America to southwestern United States
  1. noun - wife or mistress of Zeus and mother of Apollo and Artemis in ancient mythology; called Latona in Roman mythology
  1. noun - the worship given to God alone
  1. noun - a republic in northeastern Europe on the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea
  1. - An East Indian coin, of about one tenth of the weight of a rupee.
  1. noun - macaques; rhesus monkeys
  1. - Any marine bivalve shell of the genus Mactra, and allied genera. Many species are known. Some of them are used as food, as Mactra stultorum, of Europe. See Surf clam, under Surf.
  1. noun - a cooler darker spot appearing periodically on the sun's photosphere; associated with a strong magnetic field
  2. a patch of skin that is discolored but not usually elevated; caused by various diseases
  3. a small yellowish central area of the retina that is rich in cones and that mediates clear detailed vision