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502 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. adjective -
  2. "
  3. (of a contest or contestants) evenly matched;
  4. at or within a short distance in space or time or having elements near each other;
  5. bar access to;
  6. be priced or listed when trading stops;
  7. become closed;
  8. cause a window or an application to disappear on a computer desktop
  9. change one's body stance so that the forward shoulder and foot are closer to the intended point of impact
  10. close in relevance or relationship;
  11. complete a business deal, negotiation, or an agreement;
  12. confined to specific persons;
  13. crowded;
  14. engage at close quarters;
  15. fill or stop up;
  16. finish a game in baseball by protecting a lead;
  17. fitting closely but comfortably;
  18. giving or spending with reluctance;
  19. inclined to secrecy or reticence about divulging information;
  20. lacking fresh air;
  21. marked by fidelity to an original;
  22. move so that an opening or pas
  1. - A disease in the feet of cattle; laminitis.
  1. noun - a slope down which sleds may coast; "when it snowed they made a coast on the golf course"
  2. move effortlessly; by force of gravity
  3. not trying all that hard
  4. obsolete word meaning boundary or limit
  5. the act of moving smoothly along a surface while remaining in contact with it; "his slide didn't stop until the bottom of the hill"; "the children lined up for a coast down the snowy slope"
  6. the area within view; "the coast is clear"
  7. the shore of a sea or ocean
  1. noun - river that rises in northwestern Georgia and flows southwest through eastern Alabama to join the Tallapoosa River near Montgomery and form the Alabama River
  1. noun - a dense growth of bushes
  1. - Characterized by copses.
  1. noun - a region of France on the island of Corsica; birthplace of Napoleon Bonaparte
  2. an island in the Mediterranean; with adjacent islets it constitutes a region of France
  1. - To break in pieces; to crack.
  1. noun - (computer science) an event that causes a computer system to become inoperative; "the crash occurred during a thunderstorm and the system has been down ever since"
  2. a loud resonant repeating noise; "he could hear the clang of distant bells"
  3. a serious accident (usually involving one or more vehicles); "they are still investigating the crash of the TWA plane"
  4. a sudden large decline of business or the prices of stocks (especially one that causes additional failures)
  5. break violently or noisily; smash;
  6. cause to crash; "The terrorists crashed the plane into the palace"; "Mother crashed the motorbike into the lamppost"
  7. enter uninvited; informal; "let's crash the party!"
  8. fall or come down violently; "The branch crashed down on my car"; "The plane crashed in the sea"
  9. hurl or thrust violently; "He dashed the plate against the wall"; "Waves were dashing against the rock"
  10. make a sudden loud sound; "the waves c
  1. adjective - (of persons) so unrefined as to be lacking in discrimination and sensibility