Crossword Quick Solve

Matching Words

205 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - a flammable hydrocarbon oil used as fuel in lamps and heaters
  1. noun - someone who works with their hands; someone engaged in manual labor
  1. noun - a brief stay in the course of a journey;
  1. noun - a liquid terpene with a lemon odor; found in lemons and oranges and other essential oils
  1. - Pertaining to, or derived from, linoleum, or linseed oil; specifically (Chem.), designating an organic acid, a thin yellow oil, found combined as a salt of glycerin in oils of linseed, poppy, hemp, and certain nuts.
  1. noun -
  2. a floor covering
  1. noun - any of several leguminous plants of western North America causing locoism in livestock
  2. street names for marijuana
  1. noun - carotenoid that makes tomatoes red; may lower the risk of prostate cancer
  1. noun - the condition of a host bacterium that has incorporated a phage into its own genetic material; "when a phage infects a bacterium it can either destroy its host or be incorporated in the host genome in a state of lysogeny"
  1. - A contrivance or maneuvering to catch game illegally.