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172 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. adjective - connecting two nonadjacent corners of a plane figure or any two corners of a solid that are not in the same face; "a diagonal line across the page"
  2. (geometry) a straight line connecting any two vertices of a polygon that are not adjacent
  3. (mathematics) a set of entries in a square matrix running diagonally either from the upper left to lower right entry or running from the upper right to lower left entry
  4. a line or cut across a fabric that is not at right angles to a side of the fabric
  5. a punctuation mark (/) used to separate related items of information
  6. an oblique line of squares of the same color on a checkerboard; "the bishop moves on the diagonals"
  7. having an oblique or slanted direction
  1. noun - a document certifying the successful completion of a course of study
  1. noun - a person who deals tactfully with others
  2. an official engaged in international negotiations
  1. adjective - deserting your allegiance or duty to leader or cause or principle; "disloyal aides revealed his indiscretions to the papers"
  2. showing lack of love for your country
  1. noun - a kitchen appliance for disposing of garbage
  2. a method of tending to or managing the affairs of a some group of people (especially the group's business affairs)
  3. the act or means of getting rid of something
  4. the power to use something or someone; "used all the resources at his disposal"
  1. adjective - of or relating to a doctor or doctorate; "doctoral dissertation"; "doctorial candidates"
  1. noun - an interpreter and guide in the Near East; in the Ottoman Empire in the 18th and 19th centuries a translator of European languages for the Turkish and Arab authorities and most dragomans were Greek (many reached high positions in the government)
  1. noun - the trade name for a drug used to treat upper respiratory congestion; it contains an antihistamine and a bronchodilator and a vasoconstrictor
  1. - See Dragoman.
  1. unknown - pertaining to ecological communities