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Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. adjective - relating to or included in the zodiac; "zodiacal constellations"
  1. - An optical toy, in which figures made to revolve on the inside of a cylinder, and viewed through slits in its circumference, appear like a single figure passing through a series of natural motions as if animated or mechanically moved.
  1. - See Zumbooruk.
  1. - Not having a zone; ungirded.
Zonk Out
  1. verb - fall asleep fast, as when one is extremely tired; "after the long drive, we zonked out and slept for 10 hours"
  2. lose consciousness due to a sudden trauma, for example
  1. - Animal chemistry; zoochemistry.
  1. unknown - a plant whose structure adapts it for dispersion by animals.
  1. - One of the cells or tubes which inclose the feeling zooids of Bryozoa. See Illust. of Sea Moss.
  1. - Of or pertaining to zoogeny, animal production.
  1. - A colony or mass of bacteria imbedded in a viscous gelatinous substance. The zoogloea is characteristic of a transitory stage through which rapidly multiplying bacteria pass in the course of their evolution. Also used adjectively.