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Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - showy perennial herb with white flowers; leaves sometimes used as edible greens in southeastern United States
  1. noun - (Islam) a rebellious jinn who leads men astray
  1. noun - female goat
  1. - A tithing, or division, in the Isle of Man, in which there is a coroner, or chief constable. The island is divided into six sheadings.
  1. - The outer husk, pod, or shell, as of oats, pease, etc.; sheal; shell.
  1. noun - a skilled worker who shears the wool off of sheep or other animals
  2. a workman who uses shears to cut leather or metal or textiles
  3. Scottish ballet dancer and actress (born in 1926)
  1. verb - become deformed by forces tending to produce a shearing strain
  2. cut or cut through with shears; "shear the wool off the lamb"
  3. cut with shears; "shear hedges"
  4. removing by cutting off or clipping
  5. shear the wool from; "shear sheep"
  1. - One whose occupation is to shear cloth.
  1. verb - cover with a protective sheathing; "sheathe her face"
  2. enclose with a sheath; "sheathe a sword"
  3. enclosed in a protective covering; sometimes used in combination; "his sheathed sword"; "the cat's sheathed claws"; "a ship's bottom sheathed in copper"; "copper-sheathed"
  4. plunge or bury (a knife or sword) in flesh
  1. - One who sheathes.