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Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. - The act of eternizing; the act of rendering immortal or famous.
Ethel Merman
  1. noun - United States singer who appeared in several musical comedies (1909-1984)
Ethel Waters
  1. noun - United States actress and singer (1896-1977)
  1. - Pertaining to, or like, the genus Etheostoma. -- n. Any fish of the genus Etheostoma and related genera, allied to the perches; -- also called darter. The etheostomoids are small and often bright-colored fishes inhabiting the fresh waters of North America. About seventy species are known, including the rare snail darter (Percina tanasi), 3 inches long, found only in the Tennessee River and classified as a threatened species. See Darter.
  1. verb - make ethereal
  1. verb - make ethereal
  1. - Ethereality.
  1. verb - make ethereal
  1. verb - make ethereal
  1. - The administration of ether to produce insensibility. (b) The state of the system under the influence of ether.