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8994 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

Yale University
  1. noun - a university in Connecticut
Yardbird Parker
  1. noun - United States saxophonist and leader of the bop style of jazz (1920-1955)
Year's Purchase
  1. - The amount that is yielded by the annual income of property; -- used in expressing the value of a thing in the number of years required for its income to yield its purchase price, in reckoning the amount to be paid for annuities, etc.
Yellow Ageratum
  1. noun - shrub of southwestern Mediterranean region having yellow daisylike flowers
Yellow Asphodel
  1. noun - asphodel with leafy stem and fragrant yellow flowers
Yellow Bedstraw
  1. noun - common yellow-flowered perennial bedstraw; North America and Europe and Asia
Yellow Cleavers
  1. noun - common yellow-flowered perennial bedstraw; North America and Europe and Asia
Yellow Foxglove
  1. noun - European yellow-flowered foxglove
Yellow Goatfish
  1. noun - schooling goatfish; grayish with yellow stripe
  2. schooling goatfish; greyish with yellow stripe
Yellow Hawkweed
  1. noun - European hawkweed introduced into northeastern United States; locally troublesome weeds