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9th June 2024, 10:04
9a Facing deadly tree, time to keep secure (2,7)

The solution appears to be 'UP AGAINST' (i.e. 'facing') but I'm struggling to parse it. I assume the 'time to keep secure' gives us U...ST but I've no idea about the deadly tree.

Can anyone help with this please?
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9th June 2024, 10:55
The deadly tree is "upas".
The sap from the trees is used in poison arrows.
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9th June 2024, 10:58
Thanks Rusty. So much for my 'UST' theory! I can see how it works now.
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9th June 2024, 11:00
Glad to help, zinc!
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9th June 2024, 11:11
UPAS = deadly tree
T = time
GAIN = secure
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9th June 2024, 11:12
Sorry to repeat. Hadn't 'refreshed'.
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9th June 2024, 11:13
Thanks anyway Paul.
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11th June 2024, 23:28
Please could someone explain 10A for me?

10A US agent gives name, with a bow. (5)

N _ R _ O

I'm pretty sure the answer must be NARCO, which fits with name (N) and bow (ARC)...
...but then there's an extra O... NARCO doesn't really mean agent (as far as I know!)

Any suggestions?
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11th June 2024, 23:36
Bilbow, Chambers has bothe 'narc' and 'narco' for the agent, also
"arco /är'kō/ (music)
(also coll'ar'co) with the bow (a direction marking the end of a pizzicato passage"
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11th June 2024, 23:44
Well that teaches me never to rely on on-line dictionaries! Thank you so much Mattrom.
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