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5th August 2013, 16:15
I'd like to hear from anyone out there who has or had difficulty seeing the java and/or print version of the Genius on the Guardian website.

I'm still awaiting a response from the Grauniad as to why the 'Print version' button doesn't give you the printable version of the genius but just says it's not available yet.

And how does Sudokulover manage to come up with the right link each month?

And why did the 'Print version' button once work for me, but now it doesn't?

I've given up trying to get the java version to work, but I'd like to hear from anyone who's succeeded. How did you do it? What browsers work with this and which don't? Mozilla Firefox wouldn't do it for me. Someone recommended Chrome but then someone else said that didn't work for them, either.

I've had a couple of other websites fail miserably with competition entries. One of them recommended I use a browser which was sure to work: Firefox. Haha not. The other one kept telling me it was fixed and I should try again, but after laboriously typing my answers in over and over again, it still failed every time. Yet other people could enter perfectly easily. How can this be?

The Grauniad tell me I need javascript as well as java - but I've long since given up. I'm waiting for their answer as to why Sudokulover can give us the correct link to the print version, but the grauniad can't.

All info welcomed.
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5th August 2013, 16:45
Well, I'm completely non-techie but have always been able to access the print version using Chrome, and I think it has something to do with Java certainly, based on my experience last month when I couldn't access the Genius at all and was told my security setting wouldn't allow it.

I tend to ignore flashing symbols on my computer telling me there are updates available, but I reckoned maybe this time it was important, so I allowed the update and was thus able to access the Genius again.

However, whenever I DO go to it I am told that my Java needs updating and I am given the option of 'Update' or 'Run this time'. I always choose 'Run this time'. I am then asked if I am happy to allow the application to run before it will show the crossword at all. Once the crossword is on screen the print version seems to work without any difficulty(so far).

I don't know if it makes a difference where you are geographically, but I'm in Ireland (south) so it's not confined to UK.
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5th August 2013, 16:54
Thanks for that, cmk. I tried what you did, some months ago, and spent literally hours of one day re-installing java and trying to make the thing work, but it never did. That's why I don't bother these days.

I seem to remember there was also a time when a version of firefox refused to install a version of java for some reason - that happened for everyone.

I think it would be fairer if the Grauniad put up a plain version of the genius where everyone could see it each month, so anyone could have a go and only those who wanted to enter the competition had to use the java version. I'd be happy with that because I don't expect to win, so what's the point of entering?
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5th August 2013, 23:51


6th August 2013, 15:55
'Found the trick to the "Puzzle not available yet" problem.

Just add any number or letter after "answers= " in the URL.
Seems anything will do, at least for the current puzzle.
I'll experiment with earlier ones.

The Java problem is still a mystery, & I'm up-to-date.'


I tried the same thing yesterday, with the same result: any number got August's genius up. I was actually trying to get previous versions, but I presume something earlier in the address specifies the month. So presumably, in September we can use the Grauniad's 'print version' button, get the 'not available yet' page up and then stick a number on the end of the addy and try again. It's worth a try.

As for Java, the Grauniad's crossword editor says you also need Javascript enabled. Does that help?
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7th August 2013, 08:01
I do have Javascript enabled. There's a deeper problem, probably with the programming on the Guardian Genius site.
Looking at the HTML code for that page I can see several elements using JavaScript. There's a lot of code with many subroutine calls, but there a few relevant points of entry. Not sure if I can decipher it all.

I have no difficulties elsewhere, currently. This platform is Vista SP2, Firefox 22.0.
The plug-in page indicates this:
I can get the interactive puzzle at work (Win 7) by temporarily activating a different plug-in, which also is suspect. I'll do some experiments with other browsers & Win 7.

To get earlier Guardian Genius puzzles (print only):
- Go to the regular puzzle page
- Select the required Genius puzzle with Archive crossword search
- Click the offered link & scroll down to Print Version.
- At the "not yet available" page add a character to the URL.
- Should work with next month's puzzle.

This is really starting to burn my a*s, but I'll try to get to the bottom of it. (-;

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7th August 2013, 14:43
The Grauniad rather sweetly sent me the correct link to the print version today.

Too slow, Chicken Marengo! Too slow for this cat.

(They also said a few days ago that the crossword is there and I just need Java and Javascript to see it - which doesn't seem to gel with your experience, syzygy.)

At least it looks as though we have a way forward, as long as we don't want to enter the competition.
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