Swing site - Crossword Clue

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Swing site.

3 letter answer(s) to swing site

  1. a short peg put into the ground to hold a golf ball off the ground
  2. connect with a tee; "tee two pipes"
  3. place on a tee; "tee golf balls"
  4. River in North East England
  5. support holding a football on end and above the ground preparatory to the kickoff
  6. the starting place for each hole on a golf course; "they were waiting on the first tee"

4 letter answer(s) to swing site

  1. a figure that branches from a single root; "genealogical tree"
  2. a tall perennial woody plant having a main trunk and branches forming a distinct elevated crown; includes both gymnosperms and angiosperms
  3. chase an animal up a tree; "the hunters treed the bear with dogs and killed it"; "her dog likes to tree squirrels"
  4. English actor and theatrical producer noted for his lavish productions of Shakespeare (1853-1917)
  5. force a person or an animal into a position from which he cannot escape
  6. plant with trees; "this lot should be treed so that the house will be shaded in summer"
  7. stretch (a shoe) on a shoetree

Other crossword clues with similar answers to 'Swing site'

"Fore" site
"Fore" site?
"Time out!" signal
"Time out" hand signal sh
*What "fore" may precede
3 "not hard" for Rowan?
Alder or elder
Almond or pecan
Among others, General Sherman's oddly targeted
Ancestry record
Anger, with "off"
Any Time
Apple or maple
Apple, family or shoe?
Arbor Day honoree
Arboreal creature with st
Arboretum sight
Arborist's concern
Arborist's study
Article underpinning support for course to develop cutting edge
Ash or elm, for example
Athletic supporter?
Back into a corner
Ball holder
Ball point?
Ball raiser
Ball-bearing article
Ball-bearing item
Batting practice aid
Beech or birch
Big time
Birch or spruce
Bird's home
Bit of a snicker
Bit of gym attire
Bit of gymwear
Box, maybe one from Hebridean island
Branch headquarters?
Branch location
Branch site
Branching diagram
Brazil, for one
Bring to bay
Buttonless shirt
Cadet wanting adult in plane?
Casual attire
Casual shirt
Casual top
Center of a Christmas dis
Certain intersection
Certain pipe joint
Certain shirt
Chart with many lines
Cherry or apple
Cheshire cat's hangout
Cheshire cat's place
Chestnut or walnut
Christmas buy
Collarless shirt
Concert souvenir
Course accessory
Course requirement?
Curling goal
Decision-making diagram
Dendrologist's subject
Diagram representing different relationships
Dogwood or palm
Drive here and there regularly
Driver's aid
Driver's aid is what this begins with
Driver's helper
Driver's helper?
Driver's thingie
Driving aid
Driving aid?
Driving need
Driving point
Driving range peg
Ebony or mahogany
Eg, cypress
Elder for one right to fetch round support of course
Elder or alder
Elder possibly demands support, accommodating religious leader
Elder, for one
Elevator in a country clu
Elm or elder
Elm or oak
Elm or pine
End of forest area stripped by fire, ultimately - ash?
Ess follower
Every family has one
Family chart
Family diagram
Family map
Family portrait, of sorts
Fig or fir
Fir or poplar
Football kicker's aid
Fore site?
Forest plant
Forest unit
Fourth of September?
Frame that's attached to pan in storeroom, did you say?
Genealogical chart
Genealogical diagram
Genealogical work
Genealogist's diagram
Genealogist's work
Genealogy chart
Genealogy display
Golf bag item
Golf ball peg
Golf ball prop
Golf ball raiser
Golf ball support
Golf ball's perch
Golf device
Golf gadget
Golf gizmo
Golf peg
Golf prop
Golfer’s support
Golfer's gadget
Golfer's need
Golfer's obstacle
Golfer's support
Hammock's attachment
Hole opener
Informal shirt
Informal top
Informal wear
It gets things off the gr
It gives support in sport
It has a bark but no bite
It may be hit by a driver
It may require surgery
It starts tomorrow?
Item used in a balancing
Keep from escaping
Key of Chopin's "Polonais
Kicker's aid
Kicker's prop
Kickoff aid
Kickoff device
Kickoff gadget
Kickoff need
Kind of diagram
Kind of shirt
Kind of shot
Kind of squirrel
Kind of surgeon
Kind of time
Kind of toad
L.P.G.A. supporter?
Large plant obscuring both sides of road
Large woody perennial
Large woody plant
Leaves home?
Leaves' home
Lemur's hangout
Limits to timber expanse? Here's one of them
Links gadget
Links peg
Links prop
Logic diagram
Logician's drawing
Lumber source
Mahogany or maple
Nursery offering
Olive or apple
One leaving in the spring
One may undergo surgery
Orchard unit
Palm, e.g.
Part of a copse
Part of a windbreak, mayb
Part of theatre encompassing box?
Peach or apple
Peach or beech
Pecan or walnut
Pedigree shower
Peg is to pour, missing out Mark
Peg with a concave top
Peg with a dent on top
Peg, youngster endlessly
Piece of pipe
Pigskin prop
Pine, perhaps, when one leaves Scottish island
Pipe joint
Pistachio or almond
Place for a house
Place for a knot
Place for a swing
Place to find dates
Place to start a hole
Plane perhaps hijacked by buccaneer, turning back
Plane perhaps in flight, re-examined
Plane, perhaps, in small group losing height
Plant 3 in Dublin
Plant with canopy
Plum or gum
Plumber's fitting
Plumbing fitting
Poplar or pine?
Possessor of many rings
Pro shop item
Rec room attire
Relative diagram
Resort souvenir
Resting place on a field
Ring bearer
Ring holder
Ring site
Scottish island -- island lacking large plant
Shade giver
Shade provider
Shirt to wear with shorts
Shoe insert
Shoe shaper
Shoe stiffener
Shoe __ or family __
Simple shirt
Simple top
Site for a swing
Slogan holder, often
Sloth's home
Small peg
Smallest room with pictures showing film star
Something to drive off of
Source of wood, support for golfer crossing river
Souvenir item
Souvenir shop item, for s
Souvenir shop offering
Sovereign in charge is unrestricted
Sports supporter
Squirrel's home
Start of a giggle
Starting point for a long
Starting-off place
Summer shirt
Summer shirt, for short
Summer shirt, informally
Summer wear
Support for Tiger Woods?
Support from unnamed youth
Support is there from time to time
Supporter held up by 23
Supporter on course initially tackling English exam
Sweetheart holds up item that helps swingers raise their game
Sycamore or oak
Tarzan's home
Theatre employing entertaining elder?
Thing depicted by this pu
Thing hidden in each of t
Thing to drive off of
Third of October
Three men regularly seen in plane perhaps
Three-way joint
Tick (off)
Time phone company showed support
Titleist supporter
Top-Flite support
Trap, in a way
Trio ignoring hot part of forest
Turgenev regularly leaves on this
Vacation souvenir
Walnut or willow
Where a hole starts
Wood source
Woody plant
Word with family or fruit
Yew or willow
Yew or yucca, eg
___ of Souls, Na'vi templ
___ time (course slot)
___ time (golf course slo

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