State of extreme poverty - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 09/06/2022

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue State of extreme poverty.

4 letter answer(s) to state of extreme poverty

  1. a specific feeling of desire; "he got his wish"; "he was above all wishing and desire"
  2. a state of extreme poverty
  3. anything that is necessary but lacking; "he had sufficient means to meet his simple needs"; "I tried to supply his wants"
  4. be without, lack; be deficient in; "want courtesy"; "want the strength to go on living"; "flood victims wanting food and shelter"
  5. feel or have a desire for; want strongly; "I want to go home now"; "I want my own room"
  6. have need of; "This piano wants the attention of a competent tuner"
  7. hunt or look for; want for a particular reason; "Your former neighbor is wanted by the FBI"; "Uncle Sam wants you"
  8. the state of needing something that is absent or unavailable; "there is a serious lack of insight into the problem"; "water is the critical deficiency in desert regions"; "for want of a nail the shoe was lost"
  9. wish or demand the presence of; "I want you here at noon!"

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