Squeal - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 22/04/2024

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Squeal.

4 letter answer(s) to squeal

  1. the short low gruff noise of the kind made by hogs
  2. utter a high-pitched cry, characteristic of pigs
  1. a sharp high-pitched cry (especially by a dog)
  2. bark in a high-pitched tone; "the puppies yelped"

3 letter answer(s) to squeal

  1. a pad (usually made of hair) worn as part of a woman's coiffure
  2. a person who is deemed to be despicable or contemptible; "only a rotter would do that"; "kill the rat"; "throw the bum out"; "you cowardly little pukes!"; "the British call a contemptible person a `git'"
  3. any of various long-tailed rodents similar to but larger than a mouse
  4. catch rats, especially with dogs
  5. desert one's party or group of friends, for example, for one's personal advantage
  6. employ scabs or strike breakers in
  7. give (hair) the appearance of being fuller by using a rat
  8. give away information about somebody; "He told on his classmate who had cheated on the exam"
  9. one who reveals confidential information in return for money
  10. someone who works (or provides workers) during a strike
  11. take the place of work of someone on strike

6 letter answer(s) to squeal

  1. disclosing information or giving evidence about another
  2. divulge confidential information or secrets; "Be careful--his secretary talks"
  3. speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly
  4. to tell

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Canine plaint
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Cry of pain
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Cry out in pain
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Deserter? Not in the desert once!
Despicable one
Despicable person
Dirty dog
Disloyal sort
Dog sound
Dog's cry
Drainpipe discovery
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Farm call
Farm complaint
Farm cry
Farm sound
Farmyard noise
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Fox's cry
Get in trouble, in a way,
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Grunting noise
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Hog sound
Idle talk
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Kangaroo ___
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Mob turncoat
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Mouse's kin
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Noise from animal at home that's piercing all right
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One leaving sinking ship? Sailor’s returning
One living in a dump
One who blabs
One who breaks the 16-Acr
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Pen sound
Pig's comment
Pig's cry
Pig's grunt
Pig's noise
Pig's sound
Piggish remark
Piggy plaint
Pigpen cry
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Porcine utterance
Porker's noise
Pound cry
Pound sound
Price cut for vermin
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Puppy's plaint
Quick cry
Rat (on)
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Regularly roast scoundrel
Right to arrest a deserter
Rodent pest
Rodent; deserter
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Rubbish story not involving a rabbit
Runner of an experiment?
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Sharp bark
Sharp cry
Ship deserter
Short sharp cry
Shrill cry
Singer, of a sort
Slum sight
Small protest
Snake in the grass
Snitch irate to be missing tips
Something often smelled
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Sound for Old MacDonald
Sound from a pen
Sound from a sty
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Sound like a farm animal - a duck? Something in a pen?
Sound like a pig?
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Sound piggish
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Sow's squeal
Speed reduced in desert
Spill the beans
Squeal (on)
Squeal like a pig
Squeal, having zero stuff to write with
Stool pigeon
Story about extremely truculent rabbit
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Sty cry
Sty noise
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Subject of many lab tests
Swinish sound
Tell secrets
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Traitor – informant
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Trotskyist extremists featuring in story that's idle gossip
Turn state's evidence
Unfaithful one
Unpopular mobster
Unpopular singer
Untrustworthy sort
Wharf pest
Word from a pen

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