Shade of red - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 30/01/2025

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Shade of red.

4 letter answer(s) to shade of red

  1. an outlying farm building for storing grain or animal feed and housing farm animals
  2. Barn - (physics) a unit of nuclear cross section; the effective circular area that one particle presents to another as a target for an encounter
  1. biennial Eurasian plant usually having a swollen edible root; widely cultivated as a food crop
  2. round red root vegetable

6 letter answer(s) to shade of red

  1. a red the color of ripe cherries
  2. of a color at the end of the color spectrum (next to orange); resembling the color of blood or cherries or tomatoes or rubies
  1. a dark purplish-red color
  2. drink claret; "They were clareting until well past midnight"
  3. dry red Bordeaux or Bordeaux-like wine

5 letter answer(s) to shade of red

  1. annual or biennial or perennial herbs having showy flowers

10 letter answer(s) to shade of red


7 letter answer(s) to shade of red

  1. a variable color that is vivid red but sometimes with an orange tinge
  2. of a color at the end of the color spectrum (next to orange); resembling the color of blood or cherries or tomatoes or rubies

Other crossword clues with similar answers to 'Shade of red'

*Makeshift hangar
As a human, Superman sheds his last alien blood
Bagasse base, maybe
Block new farm building
Blood - wine
Blood banks to control rough rate
Blood spilt ultimately in support of county
Blooming thing, like modern music
Bordeaux output
Bordeaux product
Bordeaux wine
Borscht base
Borscht ingredient
Borscht need
Borscht vegetable
Bright red
Bright red flower
Bright red vehicle left to go into collection
Brightly coloured small mini-vehicle?
Brilliant red
Building for farm animals
Building near a silo
Carmine's cousin
Cartel spilt drink
Caught batter Root
Charlotte's web site
Cherry pit allowed
Cherry red
Cherry red colour
Civil engineer on climb becoming bright red
Colour used by officer is excellent
Cornfield flower
Country dance locale
Country dance spot
Dance setting, perhaps
Deep purplish colour
English word for red Bordeaux wine
Epitome of redness
Farm building
Farm outbuilding
Farm storage building
Fever, pimpernel or runner?
Flower of cornfields
Flower of remembrance
Flower power shortly facing the end of hostility
Gathering time for root vegetable
Girl's name - scarlet flower
Harvester might be located here - the fourteenth food and drink outlet?
Hay there
Hay there!
Hayloft locale
Healthful juice source
Hide rent evidence, with tenants having loose morals?
Hoedown site
Horse's home
I censored articles about understandably stiff-looking Captain
Immoral shade like 5 across?
In court, earl turned red
Instrument, though not in red
It could be left in safekeeping with vintner essentially?
It has a broad side
Kind of dance
Kind of greens
Kind of salad
Left in charge, teenager's opening wine
Light clear red
Light clear red colour
Light purplish red
Light red coating everyone initially applied to 4
Like a tanager
Maggot gets round gnarled tree and round vegetable
Musical flower
Nameless teenager out to make a stand
Naughty article: one goes red
New cartels in the red?
Obstruct new agricultural building
Old-fashioned dance local
One raised on a farm
Opium flower
Owl's hangout
Owl's home, maybe
Part of ulcer is extremely red
Place for a dance
Place for a hoedown
Plant grown for sugar
Plant in Flanders fields
Plant processed into sugar
Popular table wine
Potential big name actor going around college: time to go red
Prevent new building
Red — Irish county Marxist, ultimately
Red 10 possibly left in position
Red alert - revolution succeeds, say Communist leaders
Red Bordeaux
Red Buttons
Red cloak left in fright close to forest
Red food dye source
Red root
Red shade
Red vegetable
Red vehicle learner, English, parked in street
Red wind instrument’s not popular
Red wine
Red wine from Bordeaux
Reddish church at top of hill
Reddish-purple bit in a s
Restriction covering farmer’s last grain store
Result of wound allowed to become a sort of fever
Root crop and pulse picked up
Root vegetable
Root vegetable producing sugar
Rural building
Save new building in the countryside?
Scottish child I ejected in a store
Small red wine lecturer replaced with another red
Small vehicle to rent out is red
Something offering soporific stuff, like the music on the charts?
Somewhat better alcohol to be served up
Source of some lows
Southern refined claret is a brilliant red
Speculate about the end of Joe Root
Stalled construction
Storage area graduate force constructs
Sucrose source
Sugar pie
Sugar source
Swiss chard, e.g.
Symbol of redness
Table red
Take a gamble importing European root crop
Taking everything outside, chill another excellent wine
Telecom firm acquires another's plant
Time engaged in booze - very much turning purple
Type of red cabbages eaten regularly in some establishments for starters
Underground vegetable
Underground vegetable wit
Vegetable whose production is determined by pollinator and temperature
Vivid red
Web site for Charlotte
Where the cows come home
Will break up cartels
Wine store missing the Spanish and French red
Wine tasting’s beginning at Cambridge college
Without exception one's abandoned building
___ greens

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