See 10 Across - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 06/02/2024

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue See 10 Across.

7 letter answer(s) to see 10 across


10 letter answer(s) to see 10 across

  1. not able to perform its normal function
  2. not suitable for surgery; "metastasis has rendered the tumor inoperable"
  1. a native or inhabitant of Macedon
  2. of or relating to Macedonia or its inhabitants; "Macedonian hills"
  3. the Slavic language of modern Macedonia

6 letter answer(s) to see 10 across

  1. a college town in central New York on Lake Cayuga
  2. a Greek island to the west of Greece; in Homeric legend Odysseus was its king
  1. pass time in a specific way; "how are you spending your summer vacation?"
  2. pay out; "spend money"
  3. spend completely; "I spend my pocket money in two days"

8 letter answer(s) to see 10 across

  1. the capital and largest city of Nepal
  1. (geology) a piece of rock of different origin from the igneous rock in which it is embedded

5 letter answer(s) to see 10 across

  1. a consonant produced through the nose with the mouth closed
  2. an elongated rectangular bone that forms the bridge of the nose
  3. of or in or relating to the nose; "nasal passages"
  4. sounding as if the nose were pinched; "a whining nasal voice"

4 letter answer(s) to see 10 across

  1. a notice of someone's death; usually includes a short biography

Other crossword clues with similar answers to 'See 10 Across'

"Bye" words?
"In memoriam" item
"Odyssey" setting
(Short) death notice
A few words in passing?
Accountant provides support at the beginning of the month
After passing, notice cycle right away
Alan's unusual manner of speaking?
Alan's wrong to be nosy
Article often bordered in
Article that may list sur
Being nosey, see rocket launcher at Canaveral's base
Black-bordered news item
Bunch of scientists left sounding adenoidal
Bye lines?
Capital of Nepal
Capital of Nepal (older spelling)
Certain speech sound
City along the Finger Lak
Contributing to klaxon, as a lover of hooters
Cornell's home
Death notice
Death notice, for short
Departure announcement?
Departure info?
End notes?
End piece?
European Spice Boys
Extract from probe's eye-wateringly gross
Final notice
Final notice?
Final words
Final words?
First person that docked starts to comb an island
Go round denying Republican's remarks on passing
Goes on a spree
Greek island where Odysseus was king
Gurkha conquest of 1768
Himalayan capital
Home of Odysseus
In the nose
In-laws call regularly about Hooters
Ionian island, home of Ulysses
Island boasting a vehicle, out of bounds
It has an expiration date
Item of passing interest?
Ivy League city
Kind of cavity
Kind of consonant sound such as ‘m’, ‘n’ or ‘ng’
Kind of decongestant
Kind of passages
Kind of spray
Last words?
Late news?
Late report as nothing took effect
Lays out
Life lines?
Life preserver?
Life sentences?
Life story
Like "m" or "n," to lingu
Like a whiny voice
Like an "eh," maybe
Like Bob Dylan's voice
Like first of nurses taking city hospital round
Like Fran Drescher's voic
Like hooter US space administrators lacked at first
Like some blocked passage
Like some cavities
Like some country sounds
Like spoken n's
Like the first of May or
Like the sound "ng"
Memorial announcer
Mont Blanc feature?
Nepalese capital
News item for a scrapbook
News item often written i
News item that often has
Nosy Catalan's casually abandoning pet
Not functioning
Nothing was gripping in news­paper notice
Notice in passing
Notice of death from mosquito bite
Notice of passing planet's route not right
Notice of someone's death
Of the nose
Of the smelling organ
Old boy having sex might lead to one!
Out of bounds sex? Short notice, one just passed on it
Part of Star Wars character with little time for final notice
Parting words
Parting words?
Passing comment? Nothing had an effect
Passing mention had effect on nothing
Passing mention?
Passing notice
Passing notice?
Pinched, perhaps
Post mortem bio
Poultry cage Edward brought on board
Regularly dirt-cheap around Greek island
Relating to the nose
Rocket scientists start to launch section of bridge
Rocketry experts taking line regarding nose
See 11
Shells out
Short biography of someone who has died
Short published biography of someone recently dead
Something of yours you ca
Something of yours you'll
Sort of organ that sometimes needs a blow
Space explorers start to like this type of voice
Staff held up by two men, one from Skopje, perhaps
Such passages that are often blocked partly in a sale
Technology holding up former pupil’s death notice
Thai cycling around a Greek island
The last word
Through the nose?
Took for oneself
Tribute beginning for Omar Little
Twangy, as a voice
Unsuitable for surgery
Uses money
Using a vehicle, knock out kerbs in Finger Lakes location
Vocally twangy
Words in passing?
Write of passage?
___ congestion

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