Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Scope.
5 letter answer(s) to scope
an area in which something acts or operates or has power or control:
External boundary
scope or extent
(mathematics) the set of values of the dependent variable for which a function is defined; "the image of f(x) = x^2 is the set of all non-negative real numbers if the domain of the function is the set of all real numbers"
a kitchen appliance used for cooking food; "dinner was already on the stove"
a large tract of grassy open land on which livestock can graze; "they used to drive the cattle across the open range every spring"; "he dreamed of a home on the range"
a place for shooting (firing or driving) projectiles of various kinds; "the army maintains a missile range in the desert"; "any good golf club will have a range where you can practice"
a series of hills or mountains; "the valley was between two ranges of hills"; "the plains lay just beyond the mountain range"
a variety of different things or activities; "he answered a range of questions"; "he was impressed by the range and diversity of the collection"
an area in which
4 letter answer(s) to scope
a part of a structure having some specific characteristic or function; "the spacious cooking area provided plenty of room for servants"
a part of an animal that has a special function or is supplied by a given artery or nerve; "in the abdominal region"
a particular geographical region of indefinite boundary (usually serving some special purpose or distinguished by its people or culture or geography)
a subject of study; "it was his area of specialization"; "areas of interest include..."
the extent of a 2-dimensional surface enclosed within a boundary; "the area of a rectangle"; "it was about 500 square feet in area"
an area within a building enclosed by walls and floor and ceiling; "the rooms were very small but they had a nice view"
live and take one's meals at or in; "she rooms in an old boarding house"
opportunity for; "room for improvement"
space for movement; "room to pass"; "make way for"; "hardly enough elbow room to turn around"
the people who are present in a room; "the whole room was cheering"
7 letter answer(s) to scope
the capacity to understand a broad range of topics; "a teacher must have a breadth of knowledge of the subject"; "a man distinguished by the largeness and scope of his views"
the extent of something from side to side
the range of interest or activity that can be anticipated; "It is beyond the horizon of present knowledge"
9 letter answer(s) to scope
Room to extend the elbows on each side; ample room for motion or action; free scope.
6 letter answer(s) to scope
the distance or area or volume over which something extends; "the vast extent of the desert"; "an orchard of considerable extent"
the point or degree to which something extends; "the extent of the damage"; "the full extent of the law"; "to a certain extent she was right"
(of a ship or plane) sideways drift
a permissible difference; allowing some freedom to move within limits
3 letter answer(s) to scope
range of what one can know or understand; "beyond my ken"
the range of vision; "out of sight of land"
8 letter answer(s) to scope
an imaginary line around the Earth parallel to the equator
freedom from normal restraints in conduct; "the new freedom in movies and novels"; "allowed his children considerable latitude in how they spent their money"
scope for freedom of e.g. action or thought; freedom from restriction
the angular distance between an imaginary line around a heavenly body parallel to its equator and the equator itself
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