Indian tea - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 19/09/2024

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Indian tea.

3 letter answer(s) to indian tea

  1. Tea; -- the Chinese (Mandarin) name, used generally in early works of travel, and now for a kind of rolled tea used in Central Asia.

4 letter answer(s) to indian tea

  1. a warm spicy tea from india

5 letter answer(s) to indian tea

  1. a large body of water constituting a principal part of the hydrosphere
  2. anything apparently limitless in quantity or volume

Other crossword clues with similar answers to 'Indian tea'

"Wavy waste," to Thomas H
100 locks for furniture
1979 hit "What ___ Gonna
A little lunch afore tea
A lot of water? Enough at first in old container
A mighty sea
A vast amount
About 71% of the earth's
Arctic or Indian, e.g.
Arctic ___
Arctic, for one
Atlantic or Indian
Atlantic or Pacific
Big drink
Big drink?
Birthplace of a hurricane
Blue part of a map
Body of water
Canoe bobbing on this?
Canoe might capsize here?
Chartered accountant imbibing hot drink
Chinese brew
Chinese tea
Continent separator
Continental divide?
Converse about the French holiday home
Current locale
Dance bit
Dance bit?
Dance part
Dance step
Davy Jones's locker
Declined to tuck into vegetables and old bread
Deep blue
Drink drug in round tin
Drink in Wetherspoons, for example, 20% off
Drink that's part of each afternoon
Drink, so to speak
Eastern firm set up by an Indian, perhaps
Environs for Galatea, in
Fellow's not finished cuppa
Great blue expanse
Great body
Great deal
Great quantity
Half a dance
Half a Latin dance
Host losing end of cracker in drink
Hot drink
Huge amount of ordinary drug stashed in toilet
Huge expanse of green returning near banks of Amazon
Indian or Arctic?
Indian spiced tea
Indian tea made with milk and sweet spices
Indian ___
Indian, e.g.
Indian, perhaps Apache, finally put in old prison
It goes coast-to-coast
It has a floor but no cei
Jersey Shore county, appr
Key location
Kind of liner
Large expanse of sea
Large expanse of water
Large indefinite quantity
Large sea
Left one capital to go round another
Letter containing a kind of tea
Limitless quantity
Liner locale
Lunch always includes this drink
Male failing to finish cuppa
Man giving up power in Darjeeling?
Manoeuvred canoe in water
Mariner's milieu
Milieu for Queen Elizabet
Most of the world
Neptune's realm
No Scottish company meeting with setback in the main
Non-coffee order at Starb
OECD chief explodes at national leaders as this rises?
Old Church article seen in the water
Old tin containing energy drink
Once a rough expanse of water
Pacific, for example
Pacific, for one
Pact partners initially will pen concerning new union
Part of a repeated dance
Perhaps Indian flying ace breaking leg
Place for a beach
Place to use an echograph
President dismissing Republican to get refreshment
President hasn't finished drink
President ultimately put away drink
Quantity of water upset canoe
Rivers' destination
Rosie Lee
Round container holds tablet and a lot of water
Round container mate finally dropped in sea
Scotsman's no company for returning Indian, say
Separator of continents
Short talk that’s an essential part of 17?
Single dance move?
Some much appreciated liquid refreshment
Spiced Indian tea
Spiced milk tea
Spiced tea
Spicy tea
Starbucks offering
Starbucks option
Surfing spot
Swell area
Syllable often said three
Syllable repeated after "
Tea dance, 50% off
Tea household worker left unfinished
Tea man hasn't finished
Tea, on the Thames
The Atlantic, e.g.
The big blue cone put out to cordon area off
The bounding main
The deep
The main problem with canoe
Three quarters of the ear
Triton's realm
Vast amount Italian writer picked up with article
Vast expanse
Vast expanse of water damaged canoe
Water now overheating changed at once, saving time
Waves from canoe
Westernmost avenue in San
When doubled, a dance
When repeated, a ballroom
When repeated, a dance
When repeated, a Latin da
When said three times, a
Where a hurricane develop
Where an echograph is use
Where the waves are
Wide expanse
Wide expanse of corn extending across Nebraska, primarily

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