Extremely - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 03/12/2024

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Extremely.

6 letter answer(s) to extremely

  1. in or as if in pain; "she moved painfully forward"; "sorely wounded"
  2. to a great degree; "I missed him sorely"; "we were sorely taxed to keep up with them"

11 letter answer(s) to extremely

  1. to an extreme degree; "extremely cold"; "extremely unpleasant"
  2. very

5 letter answer(s) to extremely

  1. a caretaker for an apartment house; represents the owner as janitor and rent collector
  2. extremely large; "another super skyscraper"
  3. including more than a specified category; "a super experiment"
  4. of the highest quality; "an ace reporter"; "a crack shot"; "a first-rate golfer"; "a super party"; "played top-notch tennis"; "an athlete in tiptop condition"; "she is absolutely tops"
  5. Super - any hive body, or smaller box, used for the storage of surplus honey which the beekeeper will harvest.
  6. to an extreme degree; "extremely cold"; "extremely unpleasant"
  1. (used of opinions and actions) far beyond the norm; "extremist political views"; "radical opinions on education"; "an ultra conservative"

9 letter answer(s) to extremely

  1. in a serious manner; "talking earnestly with his son"; "she started studying snakes in earnest"; "a play dealing seriously with the question of divorce"
  2. to a severe or serious degree; "fingers so badly frozen they had to be amputated"; "badly injured"; "a severely impaired heart"; "is gravely ill"; "was seriously ill"

3 letter answer(s) to extremely

  1. Also
  2. in addition; "he has a Mercedes, too"
  3. to a degree exceeding normal or proper limits; "too big"

4 letter answer(s) to extremely

  1. being the exact same one; not any other:; "this is the identical room we stayed in before"; "the themes of his stories are one and the same"; "saw the selfsame quotation in two newspapers"; "on this very spot"; "the very thing he said yesterday"; "the very man I want to see"
  2. precisely as stated; "the very center of town"
  3. precisely so; "on the very next page"; "he expected the very opposite"
  4. used as intensifiers; `real' is sometimes used informally for `really'; `rattling' is informal; "she was very gifted"; "he played very well"; "a really enjoyable evening"; "I'm real sorry about it"; "a rattling good yarn"

Other crossword clues with similar answers to 'Extremely'

"This ___ shall pass"
"Tippecanoe and Tyler ___
"Too bad!"
"Too bad"
"What's one plus one?" read out in addition
"Winnie the Pooh and Tigg
"You ___?"
"___ funny!"
"___ funny. Ha, ha!"
"___ Young" (Nat King Col
17 stuck halfway through Paul, Tramp, Vlad, even Rufus? Yes, initially
A legion will get turned on and climax
A lot up front?
Ad infinitum
Also accepted king must go
Apartment 1-A resident, m
As well
As well as
As well it’s where a countdown is heading
At Sodom regularly? Excessively!
At that
Bank raising standing order urgently
Before-long connection
Busy, not initially having done very much
Commercial prefix with su
Conclusion can't be reached - sigh!
Delightful meal without papa
Delightful plastic purse
Die-hard Géricault raftsmen swept away fore and aft
Each head's scratched fiercely
Elevated cleric unknown to a large extent
End removed from utensil as well
Endless trouble accommodating 100 beds
Ever so
Excellent drink with editor on periphery
Excellent meal with pressure gone
Excellent to dine with 27 occasionally
Excellent, but half-hearted, meal
Extreme overhaul transforms houses
Extreme skill? Partly luck, on reflection
Extreme sort
Extremely - exact
Extremely – precise
Extremely foul tramp’s lost outside
Extremely valuable tracks a great deal
Extremist heart lugubrious revolutionary conceals
Extremist involved in awful tragedy
Extremist partly responsible for dreadful tragedy
Extremist possibly drawing back following united labour front
Extremist starts to unleash lethal terror, rage, aggression
Extremist’s quality real, but regularly overlooked
Far beyond the average
Far beyond the norm
First part of an I.P. add
Going too far
Great manager
Gut-churning gas, heading to dunny a lot
Half-hearted meal is exceptionally good
Half-hearted meal? It’s wonderful!
Hardly a moderate
Heroism without support? Absolutely
I rouse fools with cunning, no joking
In a high degree
In addition
Incredibly wayward serve gets over
Into the bargain basement go who, last of all?
It's great when complainant keeps quiet
Jolly English opener on top of other side
Jolly Republican wearing First Lady's ring
Kin of hyper-
Leaders in The Oval Office, also
Likewise at solo, ignoring the odds
More than a bit
More than a little
Much/much separator
Ne plus ___
Noughts on end of digit in addition
Old books brought up in addition
Overheard couple too much
Part of UHF
Person holding extreme views
Police officer more prominent in series …
Prefix with light or soun
Real breakthrough when club's discarded
Really excellent police officer
Really not joking
Really upset contingent of Mykonos revellers
See 31 Across
Sign agreement to save space significantly
Smashing drink with Harry's granny
So everyone's trapped
So so?
Solemnly; extremely
Some useful traditions for extremist
Somewhat difficult, radical fanatic
Sound beginning?
Sound introduction?
Start of something big?
Supporter lacking in bravery: extremely
The "U" in UHF
The "U" of UHF
The compiling team turned up a great!
To a great extent
To a high degree
To boot
To-the-max prefix
Unknown priest going to heaven, incredibly
Very – great
Very eager to start next page after turning
Very fine evening meal down by a piano
Very good meal with no repeated component
Very grave case of leprosy
Very much
Very much lacking in purpose?
Very much recovered at last, after turning up gas
Very much without humour
Very nice meal. Only 1p
Very old when set beside the old
VHF part
Way beyond the norm
What tattooist includes excessively
When doubled, la-di-da
When repeated, extreme
Without horse, deformed on entry as he famously portrayed 1/7
Without interruption
Without letup
Without limit
Wizard conjures up ermine jackets
Wonderful agent, American, turning up
Wonderful boss
Wonderful evening meal: one starter of prawns less
Word accompanying "Much,"
You sell feminist underwear, bottoms only, leading to end of bra? That's radical
___ 8
___ in sight
___ pooped to pop
___ Tuesday

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