Dig - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 29/07/2023

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Dig.

4 letter answer(s) to dig

  1. a subsidiary point facing opposite from the main point that makes an arrowhead or spear hard to remove
  2. an aggressive remark directed at a person like a missile and intended to have a telling effect; "his parting shot was `drop dead'"; "she threw shafts of sarcasm"; "she takes a dig at me every chance she gets"
  3. An ancient breed of pigeon
  4. Breed of North African horse similar to the Arab.
  5. one of the parallel filaments projecting from the main shaft of a feather
  6. provide with barbs; "barbed wire"
  7. the pointed part of barbed wire
  1. an aggressive remark directed at a person like a missile and intended to have a telling effect; "his parting shot was `drop dead'"; "she threw shafts of sarcasm"; "she takes a dig at me every chance she gets"
  2. laugh at with contempt and derision; "The crowd jeered at the speaker"
  3. taunt
  1. a kind of person;
  2. a similar kind;
  3. be fond of;
  4. conforming in every respect; "boxes with corresponding dimensions"; "the like period of the preceding year"
  5. equal in amount or value; "like amounts"; "equivalent amounts"; "the same amount"; "gave one six blows and the other a like number"; "the same number"
  6. feel about or towards; consider, evaluate, or regard;
  7. find enjoyable or agreeable;
  8. having the same or similar characteristics; "all politicians are alike"; "they looked utterly alike"; "friends are generally alike in background and taste"
  9. prefer or wish to do something;
  10. resembling or similar; having the same or some of the same characteristics; often used in combination; "suits of like design"; "a limited circle of like minds"; "members of the cat family have like dispositions"; "as like as two peas in a pod"; "doglike devotion"; "a dreamlike quality"
  11. want to have;
  1. excavation in the earth from which ores and minerals are extracted
  2. explosive device that explodes on contact; designed to destroy vehicles or ships or to kill or maim personnel
  3. get from the earth by excavation; "mine ores and metals"
  4. lay mines; "The Vietnamese mined Cambodia"

5 letter answer(s) to dig

  1. Study
  2. turn up, loosen, or remove earth; "Dig we must"; "turn over the soil for aeration"
  1. derive or receive pleasure from; get enjoyment from; take pleasure in; "She relished her fame and basked in her glory"
  2. get pleasure from; "I love cooking"
  3. have benefit from; "enjoy privileges"
  4. have for one's benefit; "The industry enjoyed a boom"
  5. take delight in; "he delights in his granddaughter"

3 letter answer(s) to dig

  1. a return on a shot that seemed impossible to reach and would normally have resulted in a point for the opponent
  2. achieve a point or goal; "Nicklaus had a 70"; "The Brazilian team got 4 goals"; "She made 29 points that day"
  3. acquire as a result of some effort or action; "You cannot get water out of a stone"; "Where did she get these news?"
  4. apprehend and reproduce accurately; "She really caught the spirit of the place in her drawings"; "She got the mood just right in her photographs"
  5. attract and fix; "His look caught her"; "She caught his eye"; "Catch the attention of the waiter"
  6. be a mystery or bewildering to;
  7. be stricken by an illness, fall victim to an illness; "He got AIDS"; "She came down with pneumonia"; "She took a chill"
  8. cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner;
  9. cause to move; cause to be in a certain position or condition; "He got his squad on the ball"; "This let me in for a big surprise"; "He got

6 letter answer(s) to dig

  1. a hole made by an animal, usually for shelter
  2. a passageway through or under something, usually underground (especially one for trains or cars); "the tunnel reduced congestion at that intersection"
  3. force a way through
  4. move through by or as by digging; "burrow through the forest"

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Aggressive remark directed at a person
Akin to
Arrow projection
Arrowhead feature
Attempt to get
Avenge oneself on
Barbed remark
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Benefit from
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Biting comment
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Coal pit
Coal site
Coal source
Colliery, for example
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Come down with
Cry from a selfish child
Cutting remark
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Dig (into)
Dig deeply
Dig into
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Fielder's cry
Figure out
Find enjoyable
Find pleasant
Fish-hook’s business end
Fishhook feature
Fishhook part
Fishhook's end
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Gibe made by bachelor supporting pub
Go (into)
Go for
Go for the gold?
Gold digger's destination
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Greedy cry
Greedy person's cry befor
Harbor danger
Harbor hazard
Hurtful remark
Infielder's cry
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Look closely
Lucrative source
Make painstaking enquiries
Memorable ship
Miser's cry
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Nasty remark
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Not yours
Not yours or theirs
Ore store
Outfielder's call
Outfielder's cry
Parallel to
Part of a fishhook
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Perhaps describing bolts no longer stuck fast?
Pick up
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Pointed criticism of second pub?
Pointed remark
Prefer to attack
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Receive; obtain
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Rummage deeply
Scoff at
Scornful remark
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Stinging comment
Stinging remark
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Sweeper's target?
Take a shine to
Take pleasure in
The setter's rich source
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Understand time, for example, after reflection
Unkind comment
Unnice comment
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Word from a waiter
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Word repeated in "It's __
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Zinging remark
___ button (Facebook icon

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