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32 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

Sag Down
  1. verb - cause to sag; "The children sagged their bottoms down even more comfortably"
  1. noun - the mental ability to understand and discriminate between relations
  2. the trait of forming opinions by distinguishing and evaluating
  3. wisdom
  1. noun - a chief of a North American tribe or confederation (especially an Algonquian chief)
Sage Hen
  1. noun - large grouse of sagebrush regions of North America
  1. - The quality or state of being sage; wisdom; sagacity; prudence; gravity.
  1. - Acicular rutile occurring in reticulated forms imbedded in quartz.
  1. unknown - most saggy
  1. - To make fat; to pamper.
  1. adjective - located in a plane that is parallel to the central plane of the sagittal suture
  1. noun - extremely large treelike cactus of desert regions of southwestern United States having a thick columnar sparsely branched trunk bearing white flowers and edible red pulpy fruit