Uncovers - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 17/02/2024

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Uncovers.

5 letter answer(s) to uncovers

  1. lay bare; "bare your breasts"; "bare your feelings"
  2. lay bare; "denude a forest"
  3. make public; "She aired her opinions on welfare"
  1. a clear or unobstructed space or expanse of land or water; "finally broke out of the forest into the open"
  2. a tournament in which both professionals and amateurs may play
  3. afford access to; "the door opens to the patio"; "The French doors give onto a terrace"
  4. become available; "an opportunity opened up"
  5. become open; "The door opened"
  6. begin or set in action, of meetings, speeches, recitals, etc.; "He opened the meeting with a long speech"
  7. cause to open or to become open; "Mary opened the car door"
  8. display the contents of a file or start an application as on a computer
  9. have an opening or passage or outlet; "The bedrooms open into the hall"
  10. information that has become public; "all the reports were out in the open"; "the facts had been brought to the surface"
  11. make available; "This opens up new possibilities"
  12. make the opening move; "Kasparov opened with a standard opening"
  13. s

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