Turkey filler - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 16/09/2022

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Turkey filler.

8 letter answer(s) to turkey filler

  1. a mixture of seasoned ingredients used to stuff meats and vegetables
  2. cram into a cavity; "The child stuffed candy into his pockets"
  3. fill tightly with a material; "stuff a pillow with feathers"
  4. fill with a stuffing while cooking; "Have you stuffed the turkey yet?"
  5. obstruct; "My nose is all stuffed"; "Her arteries are blocked"
  6. overeat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneself; "She stuffed herself at the dinner"; "The kids binged on ice cream"
  7. padding put in mattresses and cushions and upholstered furniture
  8. press or force; "Stuff money into an envelope"; "She thrust the letter into his hand"
  9. treat with grease, fill, and prepare for mounting; "stuff a bearskin"

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