Tooth - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 04/02/2025

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Tooth.

6 letter answer(s) to tooth

  1. any of various fissiped mammals with nonretractile claws and typically long muzzles
  2. of or relating to a pointed conical tooth
  3. of or relating to or characteristic of members of the family Canidae
  4. one of the four pointed conical teeth (two in each jaw) located between the incisors and the premolars

3 letter answer(s) to tooth

  1. a subordinate who performs an important but routine function; "he was a small cog in a large machine"
  2. join pieces of wood with cogs
  3. roll steel ingots
  4. tooth on the rim of gear wheel

4 letter answer(s) to tooth

  1. a Bantu language spoken in Cameroon
  2. an appendage of insects that is capable of injecting venom; usually evolved from the legs
  3. canine tooth of a carnivorous animal; used to seize and tear its prey
  4. hollow or grooved tooth of a venomous snake; used to inject its poison

7 letter answer(s) to tooth

  1. a tooth for cutting or gnawing; located in the front of the mouth in both jaws

5 letter answer(s) to tooth

  1. containing one mole of a substance; "molar weight"
  2. designating a solution containing one mole of solute per liter of solution
  3. grinding tooth with a broad crown; located behind the premolars
  4. of or pertaining to the grinding teeth in the back of a mammal's mouth; "molar teeth"
  5. pertaining to large units of behavior; "such molar problems of personality as the ego functions"--R.R. Hunt

Other crossword clues with similar answers to 'Tooth'

Mike has no cap on very cold tooth
Minor employee from firm heading for glory
Minor functionary
Minor player
Minor player, so to speak
Mouthy thing elected Conserv­ative - is nothing right?
One bites firm end of fig
One may be crowned
Onset of caries is found in one new gold tooth
Organization functionary
Part of a gearwheel
Part of a vampire
Part of the mouth of a co
Part of the works
Place for a crown
Point of attack?
Pointed tooth
Poison conduit
Projection on a toothed wheel
Relating to dogs
Relating to large masses may be called wisdom
Second half of larger tooth
Second pound fairy regularly left for this?
Semicircle and a 21 for setter, say
Serpent's tooth
Sharp front tooth
Sharp object's point grasped by young servant
Sharp tooth
Slip a ___
Slot filler in a gearwhee
Small worker in a big org
Snake tooth
Snake's bioweapon
Snake's tooth
Soil regularly gets into mangle and grinder
Sort of ironic about Stimpy's original canine companion
Stick around at home for the dog
Subordinate person
Tibetan or Afghan
Tooth cooler with filling, ultimately
Tooth fairy's first name, inscribed in silver
Tooth in front of canine is yellow
Tooth next to a premolar
Toothed wheel
Trendy surveyor with implanted lead for instance and gold in tooth
Type of pet that needs brushing twice a day?
Type of tooth
Unimportant employee — good company at first
Vampire's tooth
Werewolf's tooth
What may be biting and ironic satire's beginning to be broadcast
What provides bite, unexpectedly ironic, about Society
Wheel with projections
Wolf's tooth

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