Thin blade - Crossword Clue

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Thin blade.

4 letter answer(s) to thin blade

  1. a fencing sword similar to a foil but with a heavier blade

8 letter answer(s) to thin blade

  1. a small dagger with a tapered blade
  2. Heel type for ladies shoe
  3. Implement for making EYELETS.

Other crossword clues with similar answers to 'Thin blade'

"En garde" weapon
"One-touch" sport
"Touching" Olympic event
After start of encounter, go for weapon
Alternative to a singlest
Argument about unfinished hat and shoe
Blade of Grasse
Blade's ego?
Blade's energy leading to slash
Blunted blade
Blunted sword
Blunted weapon
Cast let priest go in scary movie
Cousin of a foil
Dagger that is lethal first of all used in set-to
Dagger; heel
Descendant of the smallsw
Disc engine's case used for thruster?
Disease from Congress allowed to spike
Duel tool
Dueling sword
Duelling sword
Duelling weapon
Electric weapon
Eyelet creator
Eyelet maker
Fencer's blade
Fencer's sword
Fencer's weapon
Fencing blade
Fencing need
Fencing piece
Fencing rapier
Fencing sword
Fencing sword like a foil but with a heavier blade
Fencing weapon
Fight, getting fired up, packing knife
First weapon to be electr
Flexible blade
Foil alternative
Foil relative
Foil's heavier cousin
Go after earl with a sword
Guarded rapier
Guarded weapon
Handy fencing implement
Heaviest fencing sword
Heel style
High heel
High heel; dagger
Hole puncher
Individual and team event
It has a blunt end
It has a fluted blade
It has a guarded tip
It involves a wave of the
It lacks a cutting edge
It may be thrust
It may be waved at the Ol
It serves a duel purpose
It's almost pointless
It's pointless
It's used to fence bounds of estate hosting games
Item of Olympic equipment
Item of sports equipment
Its playing area is 2 x 1
Its point is guarded
Kind of heel
Kind of woman's shoe
Knife fight about cash register that's short
Knife literally raised in fight
Knife shown by drunk turning up in fight
Lady's shoe dry on way into field, not in the middle
Landed, rolling over in fight, producing knife
Light blade
Local standing with party and community to break hostile type, villain
Long dagger
Modern pentathlete's need
Modern pentathlon event
Modern pentathlon need
Napoleonic army weapon
Olympian's blade
Olympics blade
Olympics equipment
Olympics event
Olympics event since 1900
Olympics sticker
One not making the cut?
One-on-one sport
Parachutes, I see, regularly fail, having excess fluid
Parrier's equipment
Parrying weapon
Pentathlon need
Pentathlon weapon
Players wear masks for th
Point and slash sword
Pointless event?
Safe sword
Sharp-pointed duelling sword
Short dagger
Sign language pioneer Abb
Spike heel
Sport in which players do
Sport in which players we
Sport played on a 6-foot
Sport played to three poi
Sport whose name has two
Sport with a mask
Sport with jabs
Sport with lunges
Sport with masks
Sporting blade
Sporting rapier
Sporting sword
Sporting weapon
Sportsman's blade
Steps in field: too much going over shoe
Steps over the top, twirling a dagger
Sword carried by the peer
Sword combative peer sheathes
Sword for fencing
Sword of sport
Sword: Fr.
There's little point to i
Thing with a bell guard
This — invariably lethal — used for starters in fight?
Three-sided blade
Three-sided sword
Thrusted thing
Tilt toes to fit this?
Time in toilets, waving a weapon
Toes tilt awkwardly in this?
Toilet's out of order, blocked by model's 17 across
Tool for a duel
Tool for making eyelets
Touching activity
Triple-edged sword
Unsuitable shoe for rambling climb on walk, too much on way back
Weapon European repeatedly used, seizing power
Weapon on fire, launched in fight
Weapon some strap to their feet
Weapon that somehow combines power and lots of energy
What's needed to climb fence going up over the top - have stab at it with this?
With which a fencer may score record points?

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