Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Subatomic particle.
5 letter answer(s) to subatomic particle
any particle that obeys Bose-Einstein statistics but not the Pauli exclusion principle; all nuclei with an even mass number are bosons
an elementary particle responsible for the forces in the atomic nucleus; a hadron with a baryon number of 0
(physics) hypothetical truly fundamental particle in mesons and baryons; there are supposed to be six flavors of quarks (and their antiquarks), which come in pairs; each has an electric charge of +2/3 or -1/3; "quarks have not been observed directly but theoretical predictions based on their existence have been confirmed experimentally"
fresh unripened cheese of a smooth texture made from pasteurized milk, a starter, and rennet
8 letter answer(s) to subatomic particle
an elementary particle with negative charge
an elementary particle with zero charge and zero mass
an elementary particle with positive charge; interaction of a positron and an electron results in annihilation
6 letter answer(s) to subatomic particle
any elementary particle that interacts strongly with other particles
100 lepta equal 1 drachma in Greece
an elementary particle that participates in weak interactions; has a baryon number of 0
a stable particle with positive charge equal to the negative charge of an electron
3 letter answer(s) to subatomic particle
a particle that is electrically charged (positive or negative); an atom or molecule or group that has lost or gained one or more electrons
7 letter answer(s) to subatomic particle
an elementary particle with 0 charge and mass about equal to a proton; enters into the structure of the atomic nucleus
4 letter answer(s) to subatomic particle
a meson involved in holding the nucleus together; produced as the result of high-energy particle collision
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