Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Stroke.
6 letter answer(s) to stroke
a gentle affectionate stroking (or something resembling it); "he showered her with caresses"; "soft music was a fond caress"; "the caresses of the breeze played over his face"
touch or stroke lightly in a loving or endearing manner; "He caressed her face"; "They fondled in the back seat of the taxi"
5 letter answer(s) to stroke
a sudden occurrence (or recurrence) of a disease; "he suffered an epileptic seizure"
metrical or rhythmic stress on a syllable
3 letter answer(s) to stroke
a light touch or stroke
completely or perfectly; "he has the lesson pat"; "had the system down pat"
exactly suited to the occasion; "a pat reply"
having only superficial plausibility; "glib promises"; "a slick commercial"
hit lightly; "pat him on the shoulder"
pat or squeeze fondly or playfully, especially under the chin
the sound made by a gentle blow
a domesticated animal kept for companionship or amusement
a fit of petulance or sulkiness (especially at what is felt to be a slight)
a special loved one
preferred above all others and treated with partiality; "the favored child"
stroke or caress gently; "pet the lamb"
stroke or caress in an erotic manner, as during lovemaking
using a computerized radiographic technique to examine the metabolic activity in various tissues (especially in the brain)
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