Spoonful, say - Crossword Clue

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Spoonful, say.

6 letter answer(s) to spoonful, say

  1. a small measure (usually of food)

4 letter answer(s) to spoonful, say

  1. a communicable infection transmitted by sexual intercourse or genital contact
  2. a measured portion of medicine taken at any one time
  3. administer a drug to; "They drugged the kidnapped tourist"
  4. street name for lysergic acid diethylamide
  5. the quantity of an active agent (substance or radiation) taken in or absorbed at any one time
  6. treat with an agent; add (an agent) to; "The ray dosed the paint"

5 letter answer(s) to spoonful, say

  1. a brief experience of something; "he got a taste of life on the wild side"; "she enjoyed her brief taste of independence"
  2. a kind of sensing; distinguishing substances by means of the taste buds; "a wine tasting"
  3. a small amount eaten or drunk; "take a taste--you'll like it"
  4. a strong liking; "my own preference is for good literature"; "the Irish have a penchant for blarney"
  5. delicate discrimination (especially of aesthetic values);
  6. distinguish flavors; "We tasted wines last night"
  7. experience briefly; "The ex-slave tasted freedom shortly before she died"
  8. have a distinctive or characteristic taste; "This tastes of nutmeg"
  9. have flavor; taste of something
  10. perceive by the sense of taste; "Can you taste the garlic?"
  11. take a sample of; "Try these new crackers"; "Sample the regional dishes"
  12. the faculty of distinguishing sweet, sour, bitter, and salty properties in the mouth; "his cold depr

Other crossword clues with similar answers to 'Spoonful, say'

"Here, try some!"
"Take a sip"
"There's no accounting fo
"Try this!"
10 cc, perhaps
2 mg, say
A sense
A teaspoonful, maybe
Amount of medicine
Art collector's asset
Art venue includes sex experience
Bit of reality?
Brief experience
Brief experience of rogue state
Capsule contents
Cream serving
Discern the flavour of
Discrimination not as terrible, if limited
Discrimination some reject as terrible
Discrimination, not all from the Right, gets attention
Doctor's cupful, maybe
Enough to wet one's lips
Experience - discrimination
Experience discrimination
Experience origin of surrealism in art gallery
Female receiving second shot?
First small bite
Focus of some tests
Food lover's sense
Gallery hosts special experience
Have a trying experience
Have trying experience?
Head to centre in New York, say, for smack
Healthy amount?
Helping model to get work
Helping toy to work
I appreciate that setter regularly showing discernment
Ice cream shop request
Important sense for a gou
Info on a pill bottle
It's often unaccounted fo
Just enough to tease
Kind of test
Kind of treat
Large mass of party rejected number of votes cast
Large shapeless lump
Leading characters in Titus Andronicus spoil the ending in one sense
Liking – a morsel
Liking decorum
Loosely state preference
Lump party together with voting upset
Mass survey, perhaps, upheld after swindle
Measure of a drug
Measured portion of medicine
Medicinal amount
Medicinal portion
Medicinal unit
Medicine amount
Medicine portion
Medicine quantity
Modern, say, incorporating special style
Nation's leader heads south to get experience
Nibble at a steak, you won't want it all
Nibble on
Old cigarette ad buzzword
One bit of medicine
One of the five senses
One of the senses
One teaspoon, maybe
One teaspoonful or two ca
Opposite of kitsch
Perform work without a couple of learners helping
Personal preference
Preen Oscar for university ball
Prescribed amount
Prescription amount
Prescription info
Prescription particular
Quantity absorbed at any one time
Recoiling at street drug sample
Recommended amount
Recommended intake
Refinement of sculptor's head in gallery
Regularly drowsy, having little energy? Medicine provided
Sample (food)
Sample 27 is damaged
Sample a bit of Seurat visiting gallery
Sample artworks latterly stored in gallery
Sample country, moving South
Sample food
Sample of potato mostly cut by spades
Sample part of Malta’s terrain
Selling point in cigarett
Sensation of flavour
Sense of style
Sense of time wasted knowing no bounds
Sense state is changing
Sensors locate son in gallery with American friends
Share of party vote going west?
Shot by nasty piece of work over drugs
Sip or nibble, say
Small bite
Small measure of semi-solid food
Small shapeless mass
Some medicine making us drowsier, oddly
Son cuts rubbish ecstasy with smack
Son visiting art gallery shows good judgement
Specific measure of a drug
Style, say, with top tucked in
Surgery on Barbie maybe helping?
Surgery on Barbie's gob?
Take a nibble at
Take a sip of
Take a spoonful to eat, primarily
Teaspoonful, maybe
Test for flavor
Those heading to Ayr stop to experience smack
To give a shock takes time? - Smack!
Try a tidbit
Trying experience in revolutionary state
Two caplets, e.g.
Two caplets, maybe
Two caplets, say
Two capsules, perhaps
Two capsules, say
Two tablets every six hou
Two tablets, maybe
Two tablets, say
Two teaspoons, e.g.
Two teaspoons, say
Very small serving
What some humor lacks
Whipped cream amount
Why some like Mars being in transit regularly with Earth
Work with puppet, perhaps, getting lump of food?

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