Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Savvy.
6 letter answer(s) to savvy
marked by practical hardheaded intelligence; "a smart businessman"; "an astute tenant always reads the small print in a lease"; "he was too shrewd to go along with them on a road that could lead only to their overthrow"
marked by practical hardheaded intelligence; "a smart businessman"; "an astute tenant always reads the small print in a lease"; "he was too shrewd to go along with them on a road that could lead only to their overthrow"
used of persons; "the most calculating and selfish men in the community"
a kind of pain such as that caused by a wound or a burn or a sore
be the source of pain
10 letter answer(s) to savvy
9 letter answer(s) to savvy
a kind of pain such as that caused by a wound or a burn or a sore
elegance by virtue of being fashionable
intelligence as manifested in being quick and witty
liveliness and eagerness; "he accepted with alacrity"; "the smartness of the pace soon exhausted him"
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