Robust - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 05/09/2024

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Robust.

7 letter answer(s) to robust

  1. capable of withstanding wear and tear and decay; "durable denim jeans"
  2. existing for a long time; "hopes for a durable peace"; "a long-lasting friendship"
  3. very long lasting; "less durable rocks were gradually worn away to form valleys"; "the perdurable granite of the ancient Appalachian spine of the continent"

3 letter answer(s) to robust

  1. (usually followed by `to' or `for') on the point of or strongly disposed; "in no fit state to continue"; "fit to drop"; "laughing fit to burst"; "she was fit to scream"; "primed for a fight"; "we are set to go at any time"
  2. a display of bad temper; "he had a fit"; "she threw a tantrum"; "he made a scene"
  3. a sudden flurry of activity (often for no obvious reason); "a burst of applause"; "a fit of housecleaning"
  4. a sudden uncontrollable attack; "a paroxysm of giggling"; "a fit of coughing"; "convulsions of laughter"
  5. be agreeable or acceptable to; "This suits my needs"
  6. be the right size or shape; fit correctly or as desired; "This piece won't fit into the puzzle"
  7. conform to some shape or size; "How does this shirt fit?"
  8. insert or adjust several objects or people; "Can you fit the toy into the box?"; "This man can't fit himself into our work environment"
  9. make correspond or harmonize; "Match my sweater" <

4 letter answer(s) to robust

  1. a soldier of the American Revolution who was hanged as a spy by the British; his last words were supposed to have been `I only regret that I have but one life to give for my country' (1755-1776)
  2. draw slowly or heavily; "haul stones"; "haul nets"
  3. exhibiting or restored to vigorous good health; "hale and hearty"; "whole in mind and body"; "a whole person again"
  4. prolific United States writer (1822-1909)
  5. to cause to do through pressure or necessity, by physical, moral or intellectual means :"She forced him to take a job in the city"; "He squeezed her for information"
  6. United States astronomer who discovered that sunspots are associated with strong magnetic fields (1868-1938)

5 letter answer(s) to robust

  1. able to survive under unfavorable weather conditions; "strawberries are hardy and easy to grow"; "camels are tough and hardy creatures"
  2. English novelist and poet (1840-1928)
  3. having rugged physical strength; inured to fatigue or hardships; "hardy explorers of northern Canada"; "proud of her tall stalwart son"; "stout seamen"; "sturdy young athletes"
  4. invulnerable to fear or intimidation;
  5. Resilient. Long lasting.
  6. United States slapstick comedian who played the pompous and overbearing member of the Laurel and Hardy duo who made many films (1892-1957)
  1. endowed with or exhibiting great bodily or mental health; "a hearty glow of health"
  2. Healthy
  3. vigorously passionate
  1. a garment size for a large or heavy person
  2. a strong very dark heavy-bodied ale made from pale malt and roasted unmalted barley and (often) caramel malt with hops
  3. dependable; "the stalwart citizens at Lexington"; "a stalwart supporter of the UN"; "stout hearts"
  4. euphemisms for `fat'; "men are portly and women are stout"
  5. having rugged physical strength; inured to fatigue or hardships; "hardy explorers of northern Canada"; "proud of her tall stalwart son"; "stout seamen"; "sturdy young athletes"

6 letter answer(s) to robust

  1. consuming abundantly and with gusto; "a hearty (or healthy) appetite"
  2. endowed with or exhibiting great bodily or mental health; "a hearty glow of health"
  3. providing abundant nourishment; "a hearty meal"; "good solid food"; "ate a substantial breakfast"; "four square meals a day"
  4. showing warm and heartfelt friendliness; "gave us a cordial reception"; "a hearty welcome"
  5. without reservation; "hearty support"
  1. having rugged physical strength; inured to fatigue or hardships; "hardy explorers of northern Canada"; "proud of her tall stalwart son"; "stout seamen"; "sturdy young athletes"
  2. not making concessions; "took an uncompromising stance in the peace talks"; "uncompromising honesty"
  3. substantially made or constructed; "sturdy steel shelves"; "sturdy canvas"; "a tough all-weather fabric"; "some plastics are as tough as metal"

8 letter answer(s) to robust

  1. a person who is loyal to their allegiance (especially in times of revolt)
  2. dependable; "the stalwart citizens at Lexington"; "a stalwart supporter of the UN"; "stout hearts"
  3. having rugged physical strength; inured to fatigue or hardships; "hardy explorers of northern Canada"; "proud of her tall stalwart son"; "stout seamen"; "sturdy young athletes"
  4. used especially of persons; "a stalwart knight"; "a stouthearted fellow who had an active career in the army"
  1. characterized by forceful and energetic action or activity; "a vigorous hiker"; "gave her skirt a vigorous shake"; "a vigorous campaign"; "a vigorous foreign policy"; "vigorous opposition to the war"
  2. strong and active physically or mentally; "a vigorous old man who spent half of his day on horseback"- W.H.Hudson

Other crossword clues with similar answers to 'Robust'

Able to run, following target of chase?
Ambassador, cultured and exuberant
Attack is in good shape
Author of Jude the Obscure
Bar choice
Bar selection
Be conspicuous, excluding and thick
Beer makes you rather fat
Begin introducing law that’s upset faithful
Begin to admit gangster needing wife to become committed in support
Begin to grab raised tool ... steady!
Boisterous girls on a night out ignoring new prince
Built to last
Built to take it
Clearly in good health
Clothes shopper's concern
Corpulent – kind of ale
Courageous 22 across
Divided by resistance, one times two less zero gives constant
Drink way off
Enduring corruption of bad rule
Enthusiastic cry drawing attention about skill
Enthusiastic judge, extremely timely
Fat - beer
Fat - dark beer
Firm dropping case of security guards
Firmly constructed
Fit as a fiddle
Full-bodied ale
Guinness, e.g.
Hardy expert supports Durham
Healthy - strong
Healthy hot drink
Healthy if faint on odd occasions
Healthy, strong
Hearty companion
Hearty partner
Hearty's companion
Hearty's partner
Heroin and beer will make you fit and healthy
Highly attractive and flirts regularly
In fighting trim
In fine fettle
In good health
In good health, suitable
In good physical shape
In good shape
In great shape
In shape
In the pink
In vigorous health
Inured to fatigue and hardship
Irwin of the P.G.A.
It may be thrown
It's thrown in anger
Lasting source of uplift in English novelist after bringing out one book
Left Washington institute without loyalist
Like a fiddle
Like a fiddle?
Like a triathlete
Like denim
Like Petruchio's wench in
Like Rabelaisian writing
Lively operatic prince feeding you in Paris
Long lasting
Long-lasting bad rule replaced
Loudly vigorous and cheerful
Loyal and hard-working
Loyal supporter
Make ends meet?
Not exactly svelte
Of suitable quality
One in "another fine mess
Only just missing line for writer, d. ’28
Out of practice? Left for run, becoming vigorous
Overweight porter
Passionate, if out of practice, when switching hands
Patriot Nathan
Patriot of 1776
Person of long-standing loyalty
Physically healthy
Poet barely cuts out a line
Portly porter
Possible you are getting picked up for nothing - tough!
Pub potable
Pub serving
Rather fat, stocky
Ready to move lightly, shedding pounds
Reliable fellow to begin suppressing breaking of law
Renowned "regretter"
Research leader in survey is resolute
Revolutionary hero Nathan
Revolutionary with a regr
Robust rule observed in musical composition
Robust; novelist
Sarah Josepha ___, who wr
Second solicitor is dauntless
Short argument about relationship
Show surprise about law-breaking supporter
Small market for drink
Solid work at University perhaps involves Republican
Solidly built
Solidly built porter
Sound in body
Sporty type of male appreciative of painting etc
Stale, thus getting a beer
Staunch Republican in office
Staunch supporter
Strong and active
Strong and healthy
Strong beer
Strong language mostly found in grotty accommodation
Strong suit
Strong supporter of institute introducing new law
Sturdy rail knocked over in wild duel
Substantial scrapyard split into three parts!
Suitable attack
Suitable starters for feast in trattoria
Suitable; in good health
Supporter to begin accepting terrible law
Tailor's concern
Tailoring job
That man, creative, friendly and warm
That thing follows start of football match
Thick stone removed
Type of beer
Unwrap plush toy on vacation with vigour
Very passionate
Vigorous but out of practice, needing a change of hands
Well, say "Hello" vociferously!
Well-made chair finally installed in workplace
Working out just fine?
Working out well?
Writer finds way into literary festival
Writer Grass takes drive up
___ and hearty

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