Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Rat.
8 letter answer(s) to rat
a disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or religion or political party or friend etc.
a person who abandons their duty (as on a military post)
One who fingers; a pilferer.
4 letter answer(s) to rat
deliver by singing; "Sing Christmas carols"
divulge confidential information or secrets; "Be careful--his secretary talks"
make a whining, ringing, or whistling sound; "the kettle was singing"; "the bullet sang past his ear"
produce tones with the voice; "She was singing while she was cooking"; "My brother sings very well"
to make melodious sounds; "The nightingale was singing"
a Swiss patriot who lived in the early 14th century and who was renowned for his skill as an archer; according to legend an Austrian governor compelled him to shoot an apple from his son's head with his crossbow (which he did successfully without mishap)
ancient settlement mount
discern or comprehend; "He could tell that she was unhappy"
express in words; "He said that he wanted to marry her"; "tell me what is bothering you"; "state your opinion"; "state your name"
give evidence; "he was telling on all his former colleague"
give instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority; "I said to him to go home"; "She ordered him to do the shopping"; "The mother told the child to get dressed"
inform positively and with certainty and confidence; "I tell you that man is a crook!"
let something be known; "Tell them that you will be late"
mark as different; "We distinguish several kinds of maple"
7 letter answer(s) to rat
someone acting as an informer or decoy for the police
a person who says one thing and does another
someone who betrays his country by committing treason
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